Media Statements
Palaszczuk Government to pump $10 million into hydrogen pipeline
Queensland will remain at the forefront of renewable hydrogen with the State Government committing a further $10 million over the next four years to develop the renewable hydrogen industry in Queensland.
Making it in Queensland and water security key to state’s economic recovery
The Palaszczuk Government has outlined a clear and strong vision for the state’s manufacturing sector in today’s Queensland State Budget that includes a $40.5 million Making it in Queensland strategy, and strong support for water security and regional development.
Record Police Budget begins biggest boost to policing in three decades
The Palaszczuk Government’s 2020/21 record Police Budget will contribute to the biggest boost to policing in Queensland in three decades.
Record Qld transport, roads spend supports jobs, COVID recovery
The Palaszczuk Government will deliver its fifth record roads and transport budget for Queensland, with $26.9 billion to support 23,600 jobs as part of the state’s economic recovery plan.
The Palaszczuk Government is backing Queensland small businesses to further drive economic recovery with a $140 million Big Plans for Small Business strategy funded in Budget 2020-21 to lift competitiveness and resilience.
A record $14.2 billion in education funding has been allocated by the Palaszczuk Government in the 2020-21 State Budget.
Health budget to unite and recover from COVID-19
A $21.8 billion record health budget will help build new and improved hospitals, ambulance stations and health facilities, creating more than 4400 construction and health jobs.
Budget to keep Queensland COVID Safe and bouncing back
Queensland’s COVID-19 response will continue to keep Queenslanders safe and support our ongoing economic recovery thanks to an additional $360.5 million Budget allocation for a range of critical health-related services.
Budget 2020-21 drives economic recovery through 1000 election commitments
Queensland’s 2020-2021 budget will deliver on key election commitments as the Palaszczuk Government continues to deliver its plan for economic recovery.
COVID-19 travel trends drive more morning services into 2021
Analysis of post-COVID travel habits show some public transport users travel to work later in the morning to avoid crowded services.
Guardianship reforms improve safeguards for vulnerable Queenslanders
Substantial reforms to strengthen Queensland’s guardianship system have taken effect today, giving greater protection to the more vulnerable in our community such as the elderly and those with impaired capacity.
Holy Shrek! Brisbane to host first 100% capacity musical in Australia
Shrek, Fiona and Donkey are coming to the Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC) in the first major musical to open to a 100% capacity audience in Australia, without a special exemption required, since the onset of COVID-19.