Honours for Brisbane-based volunteers

Published Thursday, 28 March, 2024 at 09:00 AM

Minister for Fire and Disaster Recovery and Minister for Corrective Services
The Honourable Nikki Boyd

Honours for Brisbane-based volunteers

  • Sixteen past and present RFS volunteers were recognised for their significant contributions to the community with medals and clasps.

A special ceremony was held last night in Samford to present 16 Rural Fire Service (RFS) volunteers with medals and clasps for sustained or significant service.

Medals and clasps presented included the ACT Emergency Medal, QFES Medal and clasps, Diligent and Ethical Service Medal clasp, National Medal and the National Emergency Medal and clasp.  

Among the recipients were Don and Daphne Greenhalgh, who between them have devoted more than 80 years of volunteering to the Samford Rural Fire Brigade.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Fire and Disaster Recovery Nikki Boyd:

“This incredible group of volunteers are a testament to the dedication and commitment of our Rural Fire Service in ensuring the safety of others,” Minister Boyd said.

“These medal recipients are not only long-standing volunteers of the RFS, but valued members of their communities as well.

“Each of them has given extraordinary service that goes above and beyond the normal expectations of volunteers.

“They do this not for thanks or recognition, but because they are committed to working hand-in-hand with their communities to build resilience.”

Quotes attributable to Acting Chief Officer Rural Fire Service Ben Millington:

“The number of recipients and the many years they have served attests to the spirit of this region and their willingness to put their hand up when support is needed,” Acting Chief Officer Millington said. 

“Every RFS volunteer plays an extremely important role in working with the community to limit the impact of bushfire, often risking their lives during times of emergency or natural disaster.

“It is important we recognise the volunteers who help grow connected and capable communities.”

Further information:

The ACT Emergency Medal is awarded for assistance to the territory during the 2019/20 bushfire and storm season.

  • Recipients: 2

The QFES Medal and clasp and Diligent and Ethical Service Medal clasp recognises demonstrated commitment to ethical standards, personal integrity, and diligent service over a prolonged period.

  • Recipients: 10

The National Emergency Medal and clasp is awarded for significant or sustained service to others in specified nationally significant emergencies, such as Tropical Cyclone Debbie in 2017 and the North Queensland Floods in 2019.

  • Recipients: 2

The National Medal and clasps recognise long and diligent service by personnel who risk their lives or safety to protect or assist the community in times of emergency or natural disaster.

  • Recipients: 2


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