Bli Bli Bridge fully reopens to traffic

Published Thursday, 30 November, 2023 at 08:38 AM

Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital Services
The Honourable Mark Bailey

Bli Bli Bridge fully reopens to traffic
  • The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) has completed works to the Bli Bli Bridge, on Maroochydore—Noosa Road (locally known as David Low Way), Bli Bli.
  • Works were undertaken to repair bridge components. These safety works occurred underneath the bridge to stabilise the existing girders on the 64-year-old bridge.
  • All temporary traffic management provisions will be removed and previous access arrangements re-instated. Traffic travelling westbound (heading towards Bli-Bli) will be able to cross the bridge.

The Department of Transport and Main Roads has completed works to the Bli Bli Bridge ahead of schedule, with the westbound lane of traffic now open to the public.

Works commenced in October 2023 to repair bridge components and stabilise components under the bridge, ensuring the ongoing safety for all bridge users, including pedestrians, bike riders and those on the water.

TMR is committed to continue actively engaging with the local community to seek their feedback on future upgrade planning for the Bli Bli Bridge in 2024.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital Services Mark Bailey:

"Bli Bli Bridge is an important road link for the community and industry as well as a significant landmark to this community.

“Safety is our top priority, and the department has a rigorous maintenance program which includes regular inspections of Bli Bli Bridge, originally built in 1959.

“I’m pleased to announce the bridge work has been completed ahead of schedule. We extend our thanks to the community for their patience and understanding during these essential works.

"The Palaszczuk Government will be delivering almost $3.1 billion worth of road and transport infrastructure projects across the Sunshine Coast and surrounding areas over the next four years.”

Quotes attributable to Nicklin MP Rob Skelton:

“I'm glad to see the swift and efficient completion of the Bli Bli Bridge works, well ahead of schedule. I want to express my gratitude to the local residents and businesses for their patience and understanding throughout the duration of these repairs.

“The Bli Bli Bridge is a crucial transportation link and these works will ensure the bridge continues to service the needs of the community well into the future.

"Ensuring the ongoing safety of all bridge users, including pedestrians, bike riders, and water enthusiasts, has been a top priority.

“The completion of these repairs underscores the commitment of the Palaszczuk Government to maintaining and upgrading our region’s vital infrastructure."


Media contact – Minister Bailey office - 0466 620 176