Quigley Street to provide supported accommodation
Published Thursday, 23 November, 2023 at 01:49 PM
Minister for Housing
The Honourable Meaghan Scanlon

- Upgrade works at the former Quigley Street Night Shelter is substantially complete
- The facility will soon provide supported accommodation for six households
- The facility is expected to welcome its first clients in early December
The former Quigley St Night Shelter in Parramatta Park will soon be open to help people in housing need in Cairns.
The facility has been refurbished and has been converted to provide supported accommodation for six households who have been experiencing or were at risk of homelessness.
Anglicare North Queensland will be providing the 24/7 onsite supports, with supports tailored to the needs of each individual person.
The $800,000 refurbishment works was substantially completed by QBuild by the end of November, with some minor works to be completed post occupancy.
Quotes attributable to Housing Minister Meaghan Scanlon:
“We’ve transformed this place in Cairns to provide more than just a bed, but a safe, private place to stay, get support and help start a new chapter.
“Because to be honest, its previous set up was no longer up to scratch and didn’t provide residents with the respect or dignity they deserved.
“Now that we’ve refurbished it and fitted it out with new appliances and furniture, these semi self-contained units will make a huge difference to Queenslanders in need.
“And we’ve partnered with Anglicare North Queensland to make sure everyone receives on-site support.”
Quotes attributable to Anglicare North Queensland CEO Liz Colahan:
“At Anglicare North Queensland, we are thrilled the facility is reopening and as it will provide an extension of our existing supported accommodation.
“The Quigley Street facility will provide a step-out option for residents at QHome who are ready for a slightly less intensive model and seeking more independence.
“At Quigley Street, for example, they will have their own cooking facilities so this will offer a different level of opportunity and dignity to the people we are supporting.
“Across the board, the face of homelessness is changing.
“We are seeing people needing more than bricks and mortar, and many needing some level of case management support.
“This refurbished facility provides the best of both worlds – we’ll have support on site but there’s also a sense of independence for the people who will stay there.”
Media contact: Francis Dela Cruz - 0420 592 078 and Robyn Wuth - 0461 555 208