Bushfire support extended for impacted residents in Bundaberg, Gladstone, Southern and Western Downs regions
Published Friday, 03 November, 2023 at 06:00 AM
Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister Assisting the Premier on Olympic and Paralympic Games Infrastructure
The Honourable Dr Steven Miles
- Support for Queenslanders impacted by bushfires has been extended to include Ballandean, Cherry Gully, Dalveen, Elbow Valley, Girraween, Lyra, Silverwood, The Glen, Wallangarra, Wildash and Wyberba in the Southern Downs; Colosseum, Lowmead, Mount Tom and Taunton in the Gladstone Shire Council; Elliot, Goodwood, Kinkuna and North Gregory in the Bundaberg region, and Moonie and Weranga in the Western Downs.
- Individuals from these localities can now apply for $180 in emergency assistance, with up to $900 available for a family of five or more.
- These Personal Hardship Assistance grants are available to cover the costs of essential items like food, clothing and medicine.
- Uninsured residents can also access income-tested grants up to $5,000 per household through the Essential Services Safety and Reconnection Scheme to inspect and reconnect damaged services like electricity, gas and water.
As Queensland’s bushfire emergency continues, more Queenslanders whose homes have been impacted by the bushfires can now access help through the Personal Hardship Assistance Scheme and Essential Services Safety and Reconnection Scheme.
Support is being provided by the Australian and Queensland Governments through the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) and has been extended to residents in:
- Ballandean, Cherry Gully, Dalveen, Elbow Valley, Girraween, Lyra, Silverwood, The Glen, Wallangarra, Wildash and Wyberba in the Southern Downs;
- Colosseum, Lowmead, Mount Tom and Taunton in the Gladstone Shire Council;
- Elliot, Goodwood, Kinkuna and North Gregory in the Bundaberg region; and
- Moonie and Weranga in the Western Downs.
The Personal Hardship Assistance Scheme provides $180 for individuals and up to $900 for a family of five or more to cover the costs of essential items such as food, clothing and medicine.
Uninsured residents can also access income-tested grants up to $5,000 per household through the Essential Services Safety and Reconnection Scheme to inspect and reconnect damaged services like electricity, gas and water.
Quotes attributable to Federal Minister for Emergency Management Murray Watt:
“We knew that this would be a challenging fire season and we are working together to make sure that we are as prepared as we can be.
“My thoughts remain with people who’ve lost loved ones and homes, and with those continuing to battle the blazes. I urge people to follow the direction of local authorities and stay safe.
“The support extended to these localities will help people to cover the essentials such as food, clothing and medicine in the immediate aftermath of the fires, as well as reconnect electricity, gas and water when returning to their homes.”
Quotes attributable to Deputy Premier and minister responsible for the Queensland Reconstruction Authority Steven Miles:
“Extending this assistance to impacted localities in four local government areas will help residents whose properties have been damaged by these bushfires.
“Once again I would like to thank our emergency services heroes who have battled these fires for the past two weeks.
“All levels of government, including the local councils of Bundaberg, Gladstone, Southern Downs and Western Downs, state and federal are working together to support the recovery of communities impacted by bushfires.”
For more information on disaster assistance, eligibility and how to apply visit www.qld.gov.au/disasterhelp.
To learn more about DRFA support head to the Queensland Reconstruction Authority website.
Media contacts:
Minister Watt: Tali Eley 0499 770 772
Deputy Premier: Amy Hunter 0423 651 484