Have your say on options for the Barron River bridge at Kuranda
Published Monday, 30 October, 2023 at 01:24 PM
Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital Services
The Honourable Mark Bailey

- Community consultation on two proposed options for the Barron River bridge at Kuranda is open until 8 December 2023
- The two options include one major upgrade option and one new bridge option.
- The planning study is expected to be completed in late 2024.
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is conducting a $8.98 million planning project to determine the best long-term solution for this vital bridge.
Two potential options have been identified to accommodate future capacity needs, enhance safety for pedestrians, bike riders and mobility device users, facilitate heavy vehicle access, and minimise environmental impacts.
TMR has published artists impression of the two options on the consultation website and is seeking feedback from the community and road users to inform the planning study.
Consultation closes on 8 December 2023 with the planning study expected for completion in late 2024.
Detailed design and construction of the options are currently unfunded.
For those without internet access, a copy of the artists impressions can be obtained by contacting the TMR Cairns office via 4045 7144.
Quotes attributable to the Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey:
“I encourage frequent bridge users to provide their feedback, given their unique insights.
“Feedback from the community and road users will complement the technical expertise of the engineers working on this planning project.
“Previous community feedback gathered in May 2022 has already played a crucial role in shaping these options for a long-term solution for the bridge.”
Quotes attributable to Barron River MP Craig Crawford:
“The Barron River bridge is a lifeline of connectivity between Cairns and the Tablelands.
“It is a hot button issue for residents in Kuranda and Speewah and everyone who travels up to the Tablelands and back.
“What I like is both options include a cycling and pedestrian pathway. That has been a significant issue with the current bridge. Trying to cross the bridge on foot or bike with trucks roaring by is terrifying.
“I’ve been working with Main Roads on this for a long time. My goal is to make sure there is always an operational bridge spanning that river.”
Media contact – Minister Bailey office – 0419 288 284