NQ to share in boosted $300 million infrastructure funding
Published Tuesday, 17 October, 2023 at 05:36 PM
Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister Assisting the Premier on Olympic and Paralympic Games Infrastructure
The Honourable Dr Steven Miles
- North Queensland councils are set to share in a $100 million infrastructure funding boost
- There will now be $300 million available to Queensland’s regional councils in the next round of Works for Queensland (W4Q)
- Projects like water and sewerage infrastructure, housing and regional economic development are set to be delivered from 2024-2027
North Queensland councils are set to share in the extra $100 million in funds soon to be on offer for essential local infrastructure.
Queensland Government funding support for the Works for Queensland (W4Q) program has been increased to $300 million from the previous $200 million for its next round in 2024-27.
Since 2016, W4Q has funded 284 infrastructure projects across North Queensland.
It is estimated to have supported or created around 3,430 jobs.
In the North, the program’s current round, which concludes in June 2024, has provided:
- $5 million to Townsville City Council for Northern Beaches Leisure Centre – 50 metre pool replacement, supporting an estimated 20 jobs
- $2.48 million to Burdekin Shire Council for the design and construction of the water park within the existing Burdekin Aquatic Centre in Ayr, supporting an estimated 90 jobs.
- $1.39 million to Charters Towers Regional Council for Administration precinct upgrades including solar installation and fire monitoring panels, supporting an estimated 10 jobs.
Funding guidelines for councils are expected to be released in April 2024 and will be developed in consultation with the Local Government Association of Queensland.
Quotes attributable to Deputy Premier Steven Miles:
“Works for Queensland is the Palaszczuk Government’s signature local stimulus program, creating jobs and improving communities across regional Queensland.
“This is a record level of funding from the Palaszczuk government for local projects - $300 million up from the previous $200 million.
“By the end of the current 2021-24 funding round it’s estimated that Works for Queensland will have supported or created more than 26,000 jobs in regional Queensland across almost 2,200 projects, with that number to increase when the new funding round begins in July 2024.
“Works for Queensland continues to be successful and is a great example of two levels of government working together to deliver for local communities.”
Quotes attributable to Assistant Minister for Local Government Nikki Boyd:
“Works for Queensland has supported communities the length and breadth of Queensland, it has been an enormous benefit particularly to regional and remote areas of our state.
“It’s created thousands of jobs and supported communities. I’ve seen firsthand how our regions have benefited from the Palaszczuk Government’s investment in them.
“This massive boost in funding will mean councils can keep delivering critical infrastructure and good jobs for locals, I look forward to seeing these projects delivered across the state.”
Quotes attributable to Palaszczuk Government Minister and Member for Townsville, Scott Stewart:
“This extra $100 million investment in W4Q funding means Townsville and North Queensland is set to gain even more of the infrastructure our local communities need.
“Now we’re going above and beyond to ensure our local communities in the North get even more of the infrastructure we need.
Quotes attributable to Member for Thuringowa, Aaron Harper:
“Works for Queensland is a great example of the Palaszczuk Government partnering with councils to deliver essential projects across regional Queensland and right here in Townsville.
“The additional $100 million in the next round of Works for Queensland will see many more projects in North Queensland come to fruition thanks to the Palaszczuk Government
Quotes attributable to Member for Mundingburra, Les Walker:
“W4Q continues to make a big difference by helping councils deliver projects that will create good jobs and make our community even better places to live.
“It will mean councils can fund things like water and sewerage infrastructure, bikeways and regional economic development.”
Media contact: Amy Hunter 0423 651 484