Youfor2032 discovers next generation of Olympic and Paralympic athletes
Published Wednesday, 13 September, 2023 at 02:53 PM
Minister for Tourism, Innovation and Sport and Minister Assisting the Premier on Olympics and Paralympics Sport and Engagement
The Honourable Stirling Hinchliffe
- 4516 young athletes have taken part in state-wide trials to identify future Olympians and Paralympians in Queensland Academy of Sport talent search
- 172 athletes now in QAS high performance programs
- Eight athletes fast-tracked into new Talent Support Program
- 505 athletes recently secured spots in 2023 development phase
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The Palaszczuk Governments Youfor2032 program, launched in April last year, has scoured the state to identify young Queenslanders with elite sporting potential.
From Cooktown to Cunnamulla, Gympie to Goondiwindi, Rockhampton to Roma; 4516 young people have taken part in the trials which focus on Olympic and Paralympic sports.
Australia’s most ambitious athlete identification program, Youfor2032 assesses the physical and physiological capabilities of the young sports stars including speed, power, agility, strength, endurance and high-performance mindset.
172 athletes identified in 2022 are currently taking part in 12-month QAS supported sports programs.
Incredibly, eight of those athletes have been fast tracked into a new QAS Talent Support Program, designed to develop athletes considered genuine medal prospects in Los Angeles 2028 and leading into Brisbane 2032.
This month, 505 young athletes who trialled in 2023 learned they will progress to the next stage with high performance expertise and support available as they train with QAS supported Olympic and Paralympic programs.
This initiative has been made possible by the Palaszczuk Government doubling QAS funding to $29 million over two years, as part of our green and gold runway to 2032.
Quotes attributable to Premier and Minister for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Anastacia Palaszczuk:
“All of Queensland is sharing the pride of hosting the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Regional Queensland has given Australia some of its greatest medal winners and I am especially pleased YouFor2032 has included try-outs from Thursday Island to all parts of the State.
Now these children can look forward to competing in a Games in home soil with their family and friends able to cheer them on from the stands.”
Quotes attributable to Sport Minister Stirling Hinchliffe:
“The impressive number of elite athletes identified and now engaged in high performance programs is proof that Queensland is a gold mine for young sporting talent.
“Providing the support and the pathways these young athletes need, is helping nurture Queensland’s next generation of Olympic and Paralympic hopefuls to reach their full potential on the road to the 2032 Brisbane Games.
“By this time next year, the program will have provided around 400 athletes access to great coaches, excellent facilities and expert support teams to fast track their development across 17 sports disciplines.
“Australia’s largest talent search will continue across the state in 2024. Meanwhile younger athletes wanting to specialise in skateboarding, BMX freestyle and diving will get their chance to try out in the Youfor2032 Daredevils Program later this year.”
Quotes attributable to QAS CEO Chelsea Warr:
“Youfor2032’s success highlights the importance of widening the net to ensure no stone is left unturned in providing aspiring athletes with the opportunity to see how good they can be,” she said.
“Potential athletes are assessed for their physical and physiological capabilities including speed, power, agility, strength and endurance.
“In partnership with sports, the results are then assessed against the skills and physical attributes needed for Olympic and Paralympic sports and the young athletes may then be invited to progress further.
“We have seen incredible results and amazing young athletes across our state who have immense potential.”
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Media contact – Bill Walker 0437 859 987