State and Council agree on affordable homes for Kurilpa
Published Wednesday, 02 August, 2023 at 09:12 AM
Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister Assisting the Premier on Olympic and Paralympic Games Infrastructure
The Honourable Dr Steven Miles
- Planning Minister supports the use of a Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI) for the Kurilpa Sustainable Growth Precinct to deliver affordable homes.
- Kurilpa proposed to deliver a mixed use community and new homes including affordable housing opportunities.
- State Government to work with Brisbane City Council to incorporate 20 per cent affordability target in the TLPI.
Following public consultation the Palaszczuk Government has agreed to Brisbane City Council’s request to adopt temporary planning changes that pave the way for thousands of extra homes with the inclusion of an affordability target.
Council submitted the proposed Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI) for the Kurilpa Sustainable Growth Precinct to the State for consideration in June.
The TLPI aims to increase housing supply in the Kurilpa sustainable growth precinct plan area within the South Brisbane riverside neighbourhood plan area. The proposal includes increased building heights for higher density residential buildings.
While there was no statutory requirement for public consultation the Planning Minister sought the community’s perspective on the proposed TLPI.
With 1455 pieces of feedback received, the Planning Minister thanks the community and industry for their active involvement and interest in the future of this important inner-city precinct.
The Planning Minister will now work with council to refine the outcomes for the Kurilpa Sustainable Growth Precinct, with a stronger emphasis on affordable housing.
The Planning Act 2016 allows councils to request the Minister’s approval to make a TLPI. It can be in place for up to two years while amendments are made to a council’s planning scheme.
This decision aligns to the new South East Queensland Regional Plan that envisages more density in inner city suburbs and 20 per cent of new homes being affordable.
Quotes attributable to Deputy Premier Steven Miles:
“It was important that I heard from the community before deciding on the proposed TLPI for the Kurilpa Sustainable Growth Precinct and I thank everyone who provided their feedback.
“Housing pressures are being felt across the nation and Brisbane is no exception.
“As South East Queensland’s population continues to grow, more housing will be needed than ever before.
“We are committed to working with councils to unlocking new and different types of housing where we can that meets the needs of our changing households.
“Getting more social and affordable housing off the ground is another ongoing focus for our government to ensure more Queenslanders have a roof over their heads.
“I support Brisbane City Council’s proactive action to unlock more homes. We will work together to ensure this precinct can also deliver affordable housing options for Queenslanders.
“We will continue to work closely with council to ensure the future of the precinct meets the needs of Queenslanders in the lead-up to 2032 and beyond.”
Quotes attributable to Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner:
I thank the State Government for working with us on the Kurilpa plan and welcome the strengthening of provisions around the diversity and affordability of homes to be built there.
Our Kurilpa plan is an anti-sprawl approach. It will deliver thousands of new homes while protecting Brisbane’s low density and character suburbs as well as the lifestyle our residents love.
In exchange for CBD-style height limits, residential buildings in Kurilpa will also need to meet higher sustainability and community benefits standards.
Combined with its existing train, bus and active transport infrastructure, Kurilpa will become a beautiful and sustainable community with a diverse range of homes, where owning a car is optional.
Media contact: Amy Hunter 0423 651 484