New co-responder team to help tackle youth crime on the Fraser Coast
Published Thursday, 22 June, 2023 at 09:31 AM
Minister for Employment and Small Business, Minister for Training and Skills Development and Minister for Youth Justice
The Honourable Di Farmer
- Another new youth co-responder team has hit the streets, this time on the Fraser Coast, to help break the cycle of youth crime.
- Co-responder teams are made up of police and youth justice workers who patrol the streets together to improve community safety
- They also provide practical support, including de-escalating conflicts, transporting youth to safety, interacting with support agencies, and exploring ways to divert young people from the youth justice system.
A youth co-responder team made up of police and youth justice workers has hit the streets today on the Fraser Coast, ready to work with at-risk youth and young people on court orders to help break the cycle of youth crime. It is the latest among five being put in place by the Palaszczuk Government.
Co-responder teams have police and youth justice staff who patrol the streets and other areas where young people congregate, engaging with youth, families and the wider community. They provide practical support, including de-escalating conflicts, transporting youth to safety, interacting with support agencies, and exploring ways to divert young people from the youth justice system.
Vulnerable young people are also connected with the right services to turn their lives around, including those that help with housing, health, domestic and family violence, and education.
Co-responder teams have been progressively established around the state since 2020, interacting with young people more than 62,000 times. The five new teams will based on the Fraser Coast, Mount Isa, Toowoomba, South Brisbane and Ipswich. They join teams already operating in eight regions from Cairns to the Gold Coast.
Quotes attributable to Youth Justice Minister Di Farmer:
“We will continue to target serious repeat youth offenders while at the same time tackling the complex root causes of youth crime.
“Co-responder teams work to stop crime before it happens and have an important role to play in our investment in community safety,
“Every time they engage with a young person, not only is it an opportunity to stop them from reoffending, but they also get to check on their welfare.
“The new Fraser Coast youth co-responder team is ready to work with young people in the region and help put them on the right path. For example, if young people are engaging in anti-social behaviour in a public space, the team can transport them home or to a safe place. They will ensure young people are complying with bail conditions, link them to services where needed, and make sure they’re supported to find safe housing and pathways to education.
“The Palaszczuk Government is investing an extra $100 million in early intervention and diversionary programs, including increasing the number of co-responder teams in Queensland.
“While there is more work to be done, I’m incredibly proud of our co-responders and the strides they are already making to keep our communities safe.”
Quotes attributable to Member for Hervey Bay Adrian Tantari
“Earlier this year I urged the Youth Justice Minister to introduce the co-responder model in Hervey Bay and I am pleased that the program is starting now.
“The Hervey Bay community rightly expects serious repeat offenders to be accountable for the harm they cause.
“Co-responders embedded in Hervey Bay helps to connect at risk young people to services that can assist in turning their lives around is just one part. This help can include alternative education options, domestic and family violence support services, and housing and health services.
“That’s why as a part of the parliamentary committee reviewing current Youth laws, I called for new laws this year giving police and the courts a wide range of tools to improve community safety.
“This is what Hervey Bay expects, and this is what is be delivered.”
Quotes attributable to Member for Maryborough Bruce Saunders
“Our Fraser Coast police and co-responder teams won’t just react to problems – they will be proactively working with young people to deal with some of the more complex underlying causes of youth crime, in order to break the cycle.
“A 2022 report found 95 per cent average compliance by young people in their interactions with youth co-responder teams, including compliance with bail conditions and orders.
“All evidence points to the fact that the best way to prevent disengaged young people from entering the youth justice system is to focus on intervening early.
“It’s why we are making a record investment in early intervention and prevention programs in the places where they are needed.
“This program, alongside the many others we have in place, are turning the lives around of young people at risk of being involved in the youth justice system.”
Quotes attributable to Commander of the Youth Crime Taskforce Acting Assistant Commissioner George Marchesini:
“The youth co-responder teams complement the work of our police who work tirelessly to prevent, disrupt, respond to, and investigate youth crime.
“Bringing together the skills of both police and youth justice workers, we’re able to tackle youth crime from a different angle.
“Youth co-responder teams, like other co-responder models around the country and internationally, deliver expert services to not only young people but the broader community.
“Our focus remains on maintaining community safety and the youth co-responder teams are one of the ways we are keeping the Fraser Coast safe.”
Quotes attributable to Fraser Coast youth co-responder team leader Laura Ferguson:
“Our new team is excited to get out in the community and work with young people and their families.
“Our focus is on intervening early and preventing crime from happening in the first place.
“I’m sure we will be able to make a difference in the region as part of our commitment to community safety.”
Media contact: Bernadette Condren 0417 296116