Published Thursday, 30 March, 2023 at 02:53 PM
Minister for Police and Corrective Services and Minister for Fire and Emergency Services
The Honourable Mark Ryan
As the clean-up continues following the monsoon and flooding event in Northern and Central Queensland, more disaster support is being made available to impacted communities.
This includes an extension of time for Personal Hardship Assistance and the Essential Services Safety and Reconnection Scheme in Boulia and Doomadgee until Thursday 6 April, and support for Charters Towers Council to deliver counter disaster activities like sandbagging, and to repair essential infrastructure.
The assistance measures are jointly funded by the Albanese and Palaszczuk Governments under the Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
Personal Hardship Assistance provides $180 per person - up to $900 for a family of five - to cover immediate emergency costs.
The Essential Services Safety and Reconnection Scheme offers means-tested relief grants to help uninsured residents reconnect damaged essential services like electricity, gas and water.
Federal Minister for Emergency Management, Murray Watt said the assistance provides critical ongoing financial support for affected communities.
“Most importantly, we’re giving residents in Boulia and Doomadgee more time to apply for Personal Hardship Assistance, which is money directly in people’s pockets to use for clothes, food, medication and other emergency essentials,” Minister Watt said.
"As waters recede and the significant impacts from this flooding event continue to be identified, the Albanese and Palaszczuk Governments will keep working together to ensure appropriate assistance is provided. No Queenslander is going to be left behind.”
Queensland Minister for Fire and Emergency Services, Mark Ryan said today’s funding application time extensions will alleviate some of the burdens on these isolated communities.
“Charters Towers Regional Council will also now receive DRFA support in response to these monsoonal floods, and with 44 councils currently activated it really drives home just how massive this weather event has been,” Minister Ryan said.
“Additionally, for Doomadgee and a number of other north-west councils, there are low interest loans available to primary producers, small businesses and not-for-profit organisations.
“We’ll support these remote and rural communities right now and in the long-term.”
Financial assistance available to flood-impacted communities:
All affected residents are encouraged to call the Community Recovery Hotline on 1800 173 349 or visit www.qld.gov.au/disasterhelp to check their eligibility and other avenues of support.
For more information on loans for primary producers, small businesses and not-for-profits, phone the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority on 1800 623 946 or visit www.qrida.qld.gov.au.
Primary producers applying for freight subsidies can call the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries on 13 25 23 or visit www.daf.qld.gov.au.
Further details on disaster assistance can be found via the Australian Government's Disaster Assist website and the Queensland Reconstruction Authority website.
Jointly funded DRFA support for this weather event has been activated for 44 Queensland local government areas: Aurukun, Barcaldine, Barcoo, Blackall-Tambo, Boulia, Burdekin, Burke, Cairns, Carpentaria, Cassowary Coast, Central Highlands, Charters Towers, Cloncurry, Cook, Croydon, Diamantina, Doomadgee, Douglas, Etheridge, Flinders, Hope Vale, Isaac, Kowanyama, Livingstone, Lockhart River, Longreach, Mackay, Mapoon, Mareeba, McKinlay, Mornington, Mount Isa, Napranum, Northern Peninsula Area, Palm Island, Pormpuraaw, Richmond, Tablelands, Torres Shire, Townsville, Whitsunday, Winton, Wujal Wujal and Yarrabah.
Media Contacts:
Minister Watt’s office: Tali Eley 0499 770 772
Minister Ryan’s office: (07) 3035 8300