Grants Open For Celebration

Published Wednesday, 15 March, 2023 at 11:15 AM

Minister for Seniors and Disability Services and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
The Honourable Craig Crawford

Cultural performances entertained 220 people during Seniors Month last year at an event organised by the Fiji Senior Citizens association and funded by the Palaszczuk Government

Cultural performances entertained 220 people during Seniors Month last year at an event organised by the Fiji Senior Citizens association and funded by the Palaszczuk Government

  • The 2023 Seniors Month grants, a program that provides a funding pool of $100,000 in grants funding (of up to $2000) to support community events during Queensland Seniors Month, is open for applications.
  • Grants aim to connect older Queenslanders to inclusive events and activities and challenge preconceived ideas and reframe the conversation around ageing.
  • In 2022, Queensland Seniors Month set a record for the number of events held, with 1581 events registered, engaging an estimated 146,171 people.

Quotes attributable to the Premier:

Queensland Seniors Month provides opportunities to promote positive community attitudes towards older people and ageing, facilitate community participation and enhance community connections,” the Premier said.

“These activities are so important in building a Queensland where our communities are age‑friendly and where older people are connected, cared for, and feel their contribution is visible and valued.”

Quotes attributable to the Minister:

“I am thrilled the Palaszczuk Government is again providing $100,000 in grants funding to community groups, non-government organisations and local councils to host events and activities that celebrate Queensland seniors,” Minister Crawford said.

“We owe a debt of gratitude to our state’s almost 900,000 older Queenslanders who deserve to live with dignity, respect and feel connected to society. I encourage Queensland community groups to apply for a grant in 2023.

“Supporting a month-long program of events is part of the Palaszczuk Government’s commitment to build an age-friendly community, where older people are valued and actively engaged in their community.”

Third party quote: Council on the Ageing Queensland (COTAQ) Chief Executive Darren Young.

“Queensland Seniors Month provides opportunities for people across all generations to connect and challenge our own stereotypes associated with ageing,’’ Mr Young said.

“People will discover local programs and services and be connected to volunteering opportunities which will assist in reducing social isolation.

“Our communities are made up of people of all ages who genuinely care about and value other people, whether they know them or not.  Feeling socially connected not only provides great health benefits it can also improve people’s quality of life, and that’s what makes participating in Seniors Month so special.

“Whether it be attending a dance or cooking class, sharing a meal, a morning tea or concert, or having a chat with an older neighbour over the fence, I encourage everyone to step outside their comfort zone and talk to someone new and get involved in a Seniors Month activity.”

Explainer/fast fact and or further information:

Queensland Seniors Month 2023 commences on 1 October, the United Nations International Day of Older Persons, and concludes at the end of the month following Grandparents Day on 29 October.

The theme for Seniors Month 2023 is “Social Connections”, and the Council on the Ageing Queensland (COTAQ) has adopted the tagline “It’s going to be a connect fest” to promote the month.

To find out more about Queensland Seniors Month or apply for a grant visit:  


Media contact – Peter Michael 0477 948 091