Disaster assistance for southern Queensland following severe rainfall

Published Monday, 07 November, 2022 at 10:00 AM

Minister for Police and Corrective Services and Minister for Fire and Emergency Services
The Honourable Mark Ryan


Disaster assistance is now available for the Lockyer Valley, Balonne and Barcoo local government areas following severe storms occurring from 19-27 October 2022.

Assistance for counter disaster operations, and to repair roads and other essential public infrastructure is being provided through the jointly-funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

Federal Minister for Emergency Management, Senator the Hon Murray Watt, said the support will help impacted communities recover sooner.

“These communities were affected by several low-pressure troughs, severe storms and heavy rainfall that produced significant wet conditions over southern and south-west Queensland,” Minister Watt said.

“Conditions caused major impacts to local and state roads, resulting in road closures and, in some cases, short-term isolation to areas across the impacted LGAs.

“This assistance will ensure damaged roads are repaired sooner and will allow councils to recuperate the costs of their counter disaster efforts.”

Queensland Minister for Fire and Emergency Services Mark Ryan said protecting and supporting Queenslanders remains the government’s top priority.

“With natural disaster season upon us, the Australian and Queensland Governments will continue to work together to provide rapid recovery assistance,” Minister Ryan said.

“The funding we’re announcing today will alleviate financial stress on the towns affected and allow them to get on with their recovery efforts.

“It doesn’t matter where you live in this state. Queenslanders can take strength in the knowledge they’re being supported through tough times caused by Mother Nature.”

Information on disaster assistance can be found on the Queensland Reconstruction Authority’s website at www.qra.qld.gov.au


Media contacts:

Minister Watt: Tali Eley 0499 770 772

Minister Ryan: 3035 8300