Disaster Assistance available following South-Western Queensland Floods
Published Wednesday, 05 October, 2022 at 02:00 PM
Minister for Police and Corrective Services and Minister for Fire and Emergency Services
The Honourable Mark Ryan
Disaster assistance is now available in three Local Government Areas (LGAs) after intense rainfall and severe flooding throughout south-west Queensland in recent weeks.
Assistance to repair roads and other infrastructure is being provided through the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) in the LGAs of Murweh, Paroo and Quilpie.
Federal Minister for Emergency Management, Senator the Hon Murray Watt, said the assistance provides support for counter disaster operations and the restoration of essential public assets.
“This has been south-west Queensland’s wettest winter in six years with some areas experiencing more than 75mm of rain falling on already sodden catchments,” Minister Watt said.
“The rain has flowed straight into local river systems, causing widespread flooding, damaging roads and isolating communities.
“We want to be as proactive as we can to ensure funding to undergo repairs is accessible and used by local governments when the floodwaters recede,” he said.
Acting Minister for Fire and Emergency Services, the Hon Mark Furner MP, said the activation of the DRFA will ensure councils have the support they need to recover from the impacts of the recent event.
“Unseasonal wet conditions from a trough over south-west Queensland between 7-15 September brought severe thunderstorms and intense bursts of rain, which has damaged the local rural road network,” Minister Furner said.
“The activation of the DRFA will ensure councils will not have to fork out for the clean-up activities and reconstruction costs in the long-term.
“This heavy downpour and flooding is a reminder of what could be in store as Queensland holds its breath at the thought of a third La Niña summer in a row.
“The Australian and Queensland governments continue to work closely to support ongoing recovery efforts and identify where further assistance can be provided to ensure all of those affected have the best possible support,” he said.
Information on disaster assistance can be found on the Queensland Reconstruction Authority’s website at www.qra.qld.gov.au.
Media contacts:
Minister Watt - Tali Eley 0499 770 772
Minister Ryan - Media team (07) 3035 8300