New camping area for Alligator Creek

Published Thursday, 18 August, 2022 at 08:30 AM

Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef and Minister for Science and Youth Affairs
The Honourable Meaghan Scanlon

New camping area for Alligator Creek

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The Alligator Creek visitor site redevelopment in Bowling Green Bay National Park, near Townsville, will include a new camping area near the visitor precinct, just adding to the great lifestyle on offer near Townsville.

Member for Mundingburra Les Walker said locals had told him while they were keen to see the new day visitor precinct, they also wanted to be able to camp at the popular destination.

“I am now pleased to announce that a further $400,000 will be invested to construct a new camping area near the Alligator Creek visitor site,” Mr Walker said.

“I know Alligator Creek was a popular area for camping and it’s important to have facilities like this close to Townsville for locals and visitors to take advantage of.”

“I’ve taken my children camping there and I know how important it is for families to experience our local environment and the great outdoors which is a great part of Queensland’s lifestyle.”

“That’s why I advocated to have this camping area included as part of the redevelopment.”

Mr Walker said the new camping area will be located near the Alligator Creek day use area, with enough separation to enhance the natural experience campers are looking for.

“There will be six to eight separate camping spots with capacity of up to six people per node,” Mr Walker said.

Environment Minister Meaghan Scanlon acknowledged Mr Walker for his advocacy and said the government had listened to his concerns and concerns of his community.

“The new day visitor area, together with the addition of a dedicated camping site, will mean more people can enjoy what this national park has to offer,” Minister Scanlon said.

“The redevelopment will provide improved parking capacity to accommodate increasing visitor numbers, and disability access to support people with disabilities enjoying this unique location.

“The new camping area will join 18 other camping opportunities in the wider Townsville area, including at Big Crystal Creek in Paluma Range National Park.” 

The new day visitor site is expected to be opened later this year, with the new camping area projected to be open late 2023, weather permitting.


Media contact: Francis Dela Cruz - 0420 592 078