Volunteers thanked at Rural Fire Service Week launch

Published Sunday, 31 July, 2022 at 02:20 PM

Minister for Police and Corrective Services and Minister for Fire and Emergency Services
The Honourable Mark Ryan

Minister and Commissioner with some of the state's 28,000-plus volunteers at Dayboro to launch Rural Fire Service Week.
Minister and Commissioner with some of the state's 28,000-plus volunteers at Dayboro to launch Rural Fire Service Week.

Minister for Fire and Emergency Services Mark Ryan recognised the state’s more than 28,000 volunteers as Rural Fire Service Week 2022 officially kicked off at the Dayboro and District Rural Fire Station today.

Minister Ryan said RFS Week, now in its 10th year, was an important opportunity to recognise and celebrate the amazing work of the RFS volunteers.

“This launch brings together staff and volunteers to celebrate the dedication and commitment of RFS volunteers, who spend countless hours on the frontline or undertaking support activities to ensure the safety of their communities,” Minister Ryan said.

“RFS volunteers are currently busy preparing for the upcoming fire season by conducting hazard mitigation burns and community engagement activities.

“While every bushfire season is a reminder of the valuable work they do, RFS volunteers also have been on the ground during this prolonged wet season, assisting with community recovery and resilience across Queensland.’’

Member for Pine Rivers Nikki Boyd encouraged people to thank RFS volunteers for their contributions and service to the community.

“If you see RFS volunteers saying ‘thank-you’ would be a small but appreciated recognition of the work they do to keep our homes, our property and even ourselves safe.

“In such a wide-spread electorate as Pine Rivers I know how important their dedication means to our community.’’

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services Commissioner Greg Leach said it was a privilege to recognise volunteers’ hard work through the presentation of the RFS Week Awards.

“In each of our seven regions, we have a Volunteer of the Year award and a Young Volunteer of the Year award for those who have demonstrated a special contribution to the service,” Commissioner Leach said.

“I congratulate our State Volunteer of the Year Savannah Terrar and State Young Volunteer of the Year Caitlyn Simpkins-Field, who are the cream of the crop of RFS volunteers.

“Thank-you also to RFS Week Supporting Sponsor NAB, which recognises the importance volunteers play during national emergencies.”

NAB Executive Retail Queensland Tom Crowley said NAB, who is a Supporting Partner of the RFS, was pleased to recognise the hard work of RFS volunteers.

“Through our natural disaster resilience program, NAB Ready Together, we are proud to partner with the Queensland RFS and back the work that their volunteers do before, during and after natural disasters to create and sustain a safe and resilient Queensland.


“We’re all incredibly grateful for the vitally important role that emergency services volunteers play in supporting their neighbours and communities,” Mr Crowley said.

“Their dedication and commitment to training, connecting with the community and responding to incidents makes our local communities safer and stronger.”

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