$15 million for new and enhanced tourism experiences
Published Tuesday, 28 June, 2022 at 11:23 AM
Minister for Tourism, Innovation and Sport and Minister Assisting the Premier on Olympics and Paralympics Sport and Engagement
The Honourable Stirling Hinchliffe

A new $15 million Palaszczuk Government investment in tourism experiences begins in mid-July to help operators fast-track new and enhanced visitor attractions to create more good, secure jobs.
The 2022-23 Budget’s Tourism Experience Development Fund was launched by Tourism Minister Stirling Hinchliffe at the Gold Coast’s iconic Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary.
“Our $15 million Tourism Experience Development Fund will help operators refresh existing attractions or lay the foundations for new experiences to enhance Queensland’s great lifestyle,” Mr Hinchliffe said.
“Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary is a good example of tourism businesses upgrading and adapting to meet the changing needs of visitors.
“Now celebrating its 75th anniversary, Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary is a unique Queensland tourism icon and a family favourite around the world.
“More travellers are seeking out unique tourism experiences and that’s why we’re investing in the Tourism Experience Development Fund.
“The fund is part of the Palaszczuk Government’s response to the independent Tourism Industry Reference Panel’s Action Plan for Tourism Recovery.
“In the Towards 2032 Action Plan, the Panel has recommended to stay cutting-edge relevant we should continually reimagine and reinvent our visitor economy.
“The $15 million Tourism Experience Development Fund is designed to help tourism operators bring their ideas to life.
“By supporting great tourism ideas, we can create more good, secure jobs, enhance our great lifestyle and ensure Queensland is Australia’s destination of choice.”
Grants of $50,000 to $200,000 (excluding GST) are available for projects with high growth potential including ecotourism, accessible and inclusive tourism projects, First Nations experiences, and adventure tourism.
The $15 million Tourism Experience Development Fund will cover 25 per cent of the total cost of eligible projects.
During Covid-19 the Palaszczuk Government delivered more than $1.1 billion in support for Queensland tourism operators.
“We’re keen for visitors of all abilities to enjoy Queensland’s unique tourism experiences and the fund backs operators to upgrade their experience’s accessibility,” Mr Hinchliffe said.
“The fund could also help operators enhance visitor attractions with augmented reality or grow an Indigenous cultural experience.
“We want to see the $15 million Tourism Experience Development Fund leverage tens of millions of dollars of investment in Queensland’s world-class tourism industry.
“New experiences and new investment are important for rebuilding Queensland’s $6 billion international tourism industry and reshaping our visitor economy.”
Fund applications open on 15 July 2022 and close on 26 August 2022.
For more information and guidelines visit: www.dtis.qld.gov.au
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