QEII Hospital projects deliver 140 new beds
Published Monday, 27 June, 2022 at 04:41 PM
Premier and Minister for the Olympics
The Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk
Minister for Health and Ambulance Services
The Honourable Yvette D'Ath
140 more beds will be delivered on Brisbane’s southside in a $465 million major expansion of the QEII Hospital, and a $25 million acceleration project, as part of the Queensland Health and Hospitals Plan - the largest investment in new hospitals and new beds in the state's history.
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said the unprecedented statewide building program tackles head-on the healthcare issues affecting every public health system in the country.
“We have delivered more hospital beds, we are delivering more hospital beds, and we will deliver even more hospital beds,” the Premier said.
“The QEII Hospital expansion at Cooper Plains – 112 more beds - is a crucial part of our record $10 billion health and hospital building plan in the budget,” the Premier said.
“Already work is underway on the business case, and construction on the new clinical services building due to start next year.
“In addition, another $25 million QEII project is part of our accelerated delivery plan: 28 more modular ward beds, to be ready by the end of next year.
“The two projects will create around 1,200 construction jobs.”
Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Yvette D’Ath said the major expansion would also deliver more elective surgery theatres for Brisbane’s southside.
“The 112 extra beds will provide greater access to acute care, surgical and endoscopy services, intensive care and outpatient services,” she said.
“And the dedicated elective surgery facility will significantly increase capacity, which is essential to meet future demand growth for these services.”
Across the state the 2022-23 Budget provides additional funding of $9.785 billion over six years to deliver 2,220 more beds in new and expanded hospitals.
And a $229.7 million program of accelerated projects will deliver 289 more beds, for a total of 2,509 - in addition to 869 beds already being delivered through current expansions.
This builds on the 1,350 additional beds opened across the state since 2015, including a new 26-bed ward opened just last week at QEII.
Member for Toohey Peter Russo said the significant expansion at QEII will ensure the hospital can continue to keep pace with future demand growth on the southside of Brisbane.
“The population in south-east Queensland continues to grow and age, with more people with complex health issues presenting to our hospitals than ever before,” Mr Russo said.
“The investment will expand capacity and ensure local access to first class health services.”
Metro South Health Board Chair Janine Walker said she welcomed the Government’s major investment in health infrastructure and services for the people of Brisbane’s southside.
“This important funding allocation to expand the QEII Hospital will enable us to significantly expand capacity to meet growing demand on the Brisbane southside,” Ms Walker said.
Media contact: Martin Philip 0407 675 008