Brisbane River reopens to recreational boating
Published Saturday, 26 March, 2022 at 10:20 AM
Minister for Transport and Main Roads
The Honourable Mark Bailey
The entire Brisbane River is re-opening to recreational boating this Saturday (26 March) following the floods.
Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said strict conditions would be in place, following extensive safety inspections.
“Maritime Safety Queensland have done a phenomenal job in working with several agencies to clean up the river after the floods,” Mr Bailey said.
“Today, I’m pleased to announce the full Brisbane River is open to recreational boaties during daylight hours only.
“Everyone onboard must wear a lifejacket as we continue to monitor unusual currents and debris.
“This is great news for boaties, but we’re asking everyone getting back on the water today to remain vigilant and keep safety front of mind.”
Mr Bailey said although great progress has been made with clearing the river, conditions should not be considered normal, as there were still unusual currents and patches of floating debris.
"Boaties must avoid participating in water activities that pose a high risk of injury from debris, such as water-skiing," he said.
“As always, I ask you to plan your boat trip in advance and keep a watchful eye on the weather forecast.
“Just as we have the ‘fatal five’ on our roads, we know there are five readily identifiable causes for serious boating incidents.
"They include not keeping a proper lookout, failure to carry and use the appropriate safety equipment such as lifejackets, speeding, alcohol and drug use, and poor trip planning.”
MSQ and their contractors are continuing with clean-up operations and boaties should keep clear of their craft, passing any work areas at slow speed.
MEDIA CONTACT: Courtney Thompson - 0433 585 570