Published Wednesday, 22 December, 2021 at 11:00 AM
Minister for Police and Corrective Services and Minister for Fire and Emergency Services
The Honourable Mark Ryan
Disaster assistance has now been extended to Balonne and Flinders Shire Councils as well as primary producers in Banana Shire following the recent floods in central, southern and western Queensland.
The assistance is being provided through the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
Minister for Emergency Management and National Recovery and Resilience, Senator the Hon Bridget McKenzie said major flooding from several local catchments during the severe weather event resulted in widespread road closures and damage in Balonne and Flinders Shires.
“Balonne and Flinders local councils can now be reimbursed through the DRFA for their clean-up and reconstruction costs,” Minister McKenzie said.
“In addition, primary producers in Banana who have suffered damage to crops and farm infrastructure can now access low-interest loans up to $250,000 and freight subsidies of up to $5,000.
“The effects of this event are still being realised. Banana Shire is the ninth local government area to be activated for primary producer assistance in what has been a blow to the industry – but one we will work together to recover from.”
Queensland Minister for Fire and Emergency Services, Mark Ryan, said concessional loans of up to $250,000 for primary producers in Banana Shire Council were available to repair or replace damaged buildings or equipment affected by the floods.
“I am pleased to reassure Banana that they will have help on their road to recovery from this flooding, including access to essential working capital loans of up to $100,000 to make sure essential operations can continue,” Minister Ryan said.
“In addition, primary producers in Banana can also access freight subsidies of up to $5,000 for the movement of stock, feed, machinery, fuel, water and building/fencing materials.
“The Australian and Queensland governments are continuing to work together to support ongoing recovery efforts in the region, to ensure all communities hit by these floods have the best support available at this difficult time."
This extension of the DRFA brings the total number of local government areas receiving disaster assistance to 20. These LGAs are: Banana, Balonne, Barcaldine, Barcoo, Blackall-Tambo, Boulia, Bundaberg, Central Highlands, Diamantina, Goondiwindi, Flinders, Lockyer Valley, Longreach, Maranoa, Murweh, Scenic Rim, South Burnett, Southern Downs, Toowoomba and Western Downs.
For more information on assistance available to primary producers and small businesses visit www.qrida.qld.gov.au or free call 1800 623 946.
For information on the freight subsidies visit daf.qld.gov.au or phone the DAF Customer Service Centre on 13 25 23.
Minister McKenzie: Hannah Denning – 0428 752 271
Minister Ryan: Phil Willmington – 0411 535 180