Disaster assistance available for Inglewood businesses
Published Thursday, 16 December, 2021 at 03:30 PM
Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development
The Honourable Di Farmer
Disaster assistance is now available to small businesses in Inglewood and across the Goondiwindi Regional Council area following recent heavy rainfall and flooding.
Minister for Employment and Small Business Di Farmer said the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) had been extended to offer disaster assistance loans of up to $250,000 to affected small businesses.
“Small businesses are the engine rooms of so many regional communities in Queensland and we want to help those in Goondiwindi get back on their feet as soon as possible,” Minister Farmer said.
“These loans are designed to help businesses that have been significantly damaged to repair, replace and re-establish their operations and support those who suffered a significant loss of income.
“They can also be put towards replacing lost stock, getting supplies in for the Christmas and holiday rush, as well as paying rent, rates and other carry-on expenses.
“The clean-up and recovery process to get the doors open again will be different for each business and their staff but we encourage everyone to look out for and support these local businesses where they can.”
Minister Farmer said Disaster Assistance (Small Business) Loans of up to $250,000 are available for re-establishing the normal operations of small businesses.
“And for small business owners who have suffered a significant loss of income, Essential Working Capital Loans of up to $100,000 are also available.
“Applications for both loan schemes are open until the end of 2023 because we know the businesses that need this help most are, in many cases, still cleaning up.
“Free and confidential financial counselling for small businesses and primary producers facing hardship is also available through the jointly-funded Rural Financial Counselling Service.”
For further information visit recovery.gov.au/rural-financial-counselling-service or call the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Customer Service Centre on 13 25 23.
To apply for the Disaster Assistance (Small Business) and Essential Working Capital Loans, visit www.qrida.qld.gov.au/business.
For more information about the range of natural disaster assistance and other support available, visit the Business Queensland homepage at www.business.qld.gov.au
Media contact: Ben Brew 0468 839 551