Queensland islands funding boost to fight rising sea levels
Published Friday, 05 November, 2021 at 01:10 PM
Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef and Minister for Science and Youth Affairs
The Honourable Meaghan Scanlon

The highly successful $13.2 million QCoast2100 program will be expanded to defend Queensland’s coastal communities from climate change sea level rises, storm tides and coastal erosion.
An additional $3 million will be provided to expand the Coast2100 program, which will help 31 local councils implement their Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategies and enable councils to begin critical on ground works to safeguard coastal communities.
Environment Minister Meaghan Scanlon said another $500,000 provided through the Queensland Climate Resilient Councils (QCRC) grants program would help four islands to plan for and respond to the challenges and opportunities arising from climate change.
“Our Queensland Climate Action Plan is supporting communities across Queensland to do their bit to drive down emissions and protect their communities,” Ms Scanlon said.
“We know that coastal communities are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and the Palaszczuk Government is acting to support these communities.
“It is vital we understand the threats to these homes and businesses and how we can best manage those risks.
“This new funding will also help communities in Far North Queensland and Cape York develop strategies for their communities.
“But we also need the Federal Government to step up and act quickly to help these communities in this fight against climate change.”
The funding boost is a partnership between the Palaszczuk Government, Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) and councils across the state to tackle climate change at a local level.
LGAQ President and Sunshine Coast Council Mayor Mark Jamieson welcomed the extension of the QCoast2100 program which he said has been well supported by councils.
Mayor Jamieson said coastal councils across Queensland had produced some outstanding work in developing coastal hazard adaptation strategies to better enable their communities to respond to the impacts of a changing climate.
“The extension of the program provides all 31 coastal councils with the opportunity to complete this important work on behalf of their communities,” Mayor Jamieson said.
Great Keppel, Palm, Masig and Magnetic islands have all begun exploring how they can reduce their emissions and waste through community-developed and led measures, while also creating jobs as part of Queensland’s COVID-19 Economic Recovery Plan.
On Palm Island, the council will start an environmentally friendly bus service for the community and also refine plans for a waste and recycling facility.
On Masig Island, a dedicated sustainability officer will trial smart solar streetlights and a community market garden, lead a campaign on reducing waste and support community-led traditional knowledge-sharing and education.
Magnetic Island will install a community bio-regen machine to turn food waste into fertiliser, host workshops for community and business and begin studies on the feasibility to establish a microgrid for solar energy.
Great Keppel Island will roll out a household and resort composting system to capture 30 per cent of food waste, create a campaign to promote sustainability to both locals and visitors, and develop a climate resilience plan.
As a pilot project, the diversity of the four islands provides novel environments to deliver tailored project proposals aimed at lowering emissions and improving resilience.
This funding for the four islands is part of the larger $3.5 million QCRC partnership that is helping councils develop alliances and strategies to tackle climate change. This includes funding for:
Climate Risk Management Strategies
- Tablelands Regional Council
- Noosa Shire and Sunshine Coast Councils (joint application)
Climate Resilient Alliances
- Far North Queensland Alliance, consisting of Cairns Regional Council, Mareeba Shire Council and Tablelands Regional Council and the Far North Regional Organisation of Councils
- Southeast Queensland Alliance, consisting of Logan City Council, Ipswich City Council, Brisbane City Council, Sunshine Coast Council, and Noosa Shire Counci
Media Contacts:
DES Media: (07) 3339 5831 or media@des.qld.gov.au
Minister Scanlon: Sue Lappeman 0418 792 406