Upper Mt Gravatt State School celebrates fire rebuild
Published Wednesday, 03 November, 2021 at 02:09 PM
Minister for Education, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Racing
The Honourable Grace Grace

The Upper Mount Gravatt State School community is today celebrating a new $9.21 million two-storey learning centre, to replace a building destroyed by fire in 2019.
Education Minister Grace Grace and Member for Mansfield, Corinne McMillan MP, joined students, teachers, and some of those who worked on the new building to officially open the new centre today.
“This new facility has been built to replace E Block, which was destroyed by fire in 2019,” Ms McMillan said.
“While it was a heartbreaking experience, the entire school community pulled together and even had temporary classrooms ready for the children to learn in just a few days later.
“I know the Upper Mount Gravatt SS community really felt the loss of their beautiful old building.
“While the new facility will never replace the look and feel of a lovely old building, the new building has provided the school with some fresh, modern and state-of-the-art learning spaces.
“I am just so proud of everyone and couldn’t be happier to officially open this new state of the art facility today."
Ms Grace said the new building houses Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 classes after students and staff moved in early in August.
“The new two-storey learning building includes six learning spaces, four preparatory learning spaces, two student breakout spaces, a staff room and ancillary spaces, new playground, amenities and an undercroft for an additional four learning spaces when required,” Ms Grace said.
“Congratulations to Upper Mount Gravatt SS on its new facilities and for showing such resilience following the fire.
“The site of the old building has been transformed into a beautiful open space ‘The Fairway’, with gardens and outdoor learning facilities.
“This just goes to show the resilience and adaptability of the school community as it has worked to utilise the space and make the most of a negative situation.”
Upper Mount Gravatt SS Principal Derek Brady said the school community was delighted with the new teaching facilities.
“It’s great to be back in permanent classrooms after more than a year in temporary buildings,” Mr Brady said.
“We lost our old E Block to fire, but these new early learning facilities have been purpose-built for our Prep to Year 2 students and are a wonderful addition to the school.”
Ms Grace said Wiley & Co. delivered the facilities, with construction completed in late July 2021.
“During 2021–22, we are delivering an overall education infrastructure investment portfolio valued at almost $1.9 billion, driving the Queensland economy by supporting more than 4100 jobs.”
“The Upper Mount Gravatt State School infrastructure project alone has supported up to 15 fulltime jobs and 11 apprentices.
“It’s all part of the Palaszczuk Government’s $14.5 billion COVID 19 Economic Recovery Plan.”
Media contact: Kate Talbot, 0439 803 211