Get Ready Queensland schools competition winner announced
Published Thursday, 14 October, 2021 at 12:20 PM
Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister Assisting the Premier on Olympics Infrastructure
The Honourable Dr Steven Miles

Mary MacKillop Catholic College in Toowoomba has won this year’s Get Ready Queensland school’s competition and will now get a visit from rugby league legend Johnathan Thurston to discuss their disaster preparedness activities.
Deputy Premier and Minister responsible for the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) Steven Miles said Mary MacKillop College won the lucky draw.
“Queensland legend and Get Ready Queensland Ambassador Johnathan Thurston will visit Mary MacKillop College later in the year in what will be a fun and engaging way for the kids to discuss the importance of getting ready for natural disasters,” Mr Miles said.
“The response from schools across the state was impressive with nearly 1000 students getting involved in the competition, including entries from as far as north as Kowanyama State School in the Gulf to Aramac State School in the Central West to Springfield Lakes State School in the south-east.
“Almost 50 classes entered the Get Ready Queensland schools competition and learned a range of important preparedness essentials such as packing an emergency kit, what to include in a pet emergency kit and how to prepare a household emergency plan.
“Every student, teacher and class should be commended for taking part in this educational exercise and I’d like to thank them all for their efforts and offer a big congratulations to Mary MacKillop Catholic College,” he said.
Get Ready Queensland Ambassador Johnathan Thurston said he couldn’t wait to visit Mary MacKillop Catholic College with the Get Ready Queensland team.
“It will be a great chance to talk to the school kids about what they learnt during the activity and hopefully they will continue the conversation with their families when they get home,” he said.
“I’ve spoken to school students in all parts of Queensland and while they face different challenges and different types of natural disasters they all want to make sure their families are safe ahead of the storm and cyclone season.
“The only predictable thing about Queensland’s weather is its unpredictability and we’ll be talking to the students about what they can do to be prepared this summer.
“The Get Ready Queensland program encourages all Queenslanders to take steps now to protect their loved ones in the case of an emergency.”
Mary MacKillop Catholic College Principal Chris Gabbett said the school was thrilled to have won the Get Ready Queensland school competition.
“This is such a fun way for our students to learn the importance of disaster preparedness so as a school we embraced the competition,” Mr Gabbett said.
“I’m really proud of the effort all the students and teachers put in to this competition.
“We’re extremely excited about having JT and the Get Ready Queensland team coming out later in the year to discuss what they have learnt from the competition and to listen to other important get ready tips for the disaster season,” he said.
For more information on how you can prepare for a disaster, please visit
Media contact: Amy Hunter – 0423 651 484