Critical M1 upgrade complete
Published Friday, 24 September, 2021 at 11:00 AM
Minister for Transport and Main Roads
The Honourable Mark Bailey
A game-changing upgrade of the M1 northbound between Sports Drive and the Gateway Motorway is now open, cutting travel times and improving traffic flow for drivers.
The 3.5-kilometre upgrade, part of the broader $750 million, eight-kilometre M1 Eight Mile Plains to Daisy Hill project, is complete with all five lanes now open to traffic.
The Morrison Government is funding $510 million towards the M1 Eight Mile Plains to Daisy Hill upgrade and the Queensland Government is contributing $240 million.
Federal Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts, the Hon Paul Fletcher MP, said this important upgrade would help the tens of thousands of motorists who drive between Sports Drive and Gateway Motorway every day get home sooner and safer.
“This project is one of many critical infrastructure projects to receive funding from the Morrison Government as part of its record $110 billion, 10-year infrastructure investment pipeline, which is helping to drive Australia’s economic recovery,” Minister Fletcher said
“By alleviating congestion along critical sections of roads like this one, we’re helping people to get home to their families sooner and safer, we’re helping freight move more quickly between our cities, and we’re generating jobs across the country.”
Queensland Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said the Palaszczuk Government was delivering a record $27.5 billion roads and transport plan which would create 24,000 jobs and drive the state’s economic recovery from COVID-19.
“This includes the massive upgrades currently underway as part of the Pacific Motorway program, from as far north as Eight Mile Plains to Tugun in the south,” Mr Bailey said.
“Through this program, the Palaszczuk Government is delivering additional lanes on the M1, improved service roads, interchange upgrades and the Coomera Connector – dubbed the second M1.
“With construction on the Gold Coast’s first ever diamond diverging interchange kicking off in Burleigh and preconstruction activities underway for Coomera Connector Stage one, we are powering on with our commitment to build a better M1.
“The South East is predicted to be one of the highest growing regions in the state, so projects like these not only help get people home sooner, but also keep traffic flowing well into the future.”
Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta said more than $3.4 billion worth of major upgrades are being delivered on the M1, jointly funded by the Morrison Government and Queensland Government.
“This massive investment includes these upgrades between Eight Mile Plains and Daisy Hill, as well as from Daisy Hill to Logan Motorway and Varsity Lakes to Tugun further south,” Mr Vasta said.
“The Morrison Government is proud to be providing $510 million towards the M1 Eight Mile Plains to Daisy Hill upgrade, busting congestion and supporting 721 jobs over the project’s life to boost our economic recovery.”
State Member for Springwood Mick De Brenni said the M1 upgrade was also progressing well on other sections, with two new bridges taking shape over Springwood Road and piling for the Veloway bridge over Lexington Road completed on the Watland Street to Sports Drive upgrade.
"The whole of South-East Queensland will be reaping the benefits of this generational investment for years to come, meaning it will drive our economic recovery and strength for years,” Mr de Brenni said.
“Hundreds of thousands of motorists drive up this strip each day and so with the Veloway extension now open, we’re also encouraging some of them to use active transport instead, meaning even less congestion.
"The Palaszczuk Government is proud to be delivering more motorway lanes, a busway extension, more options and backing in the local businesses and over 750 local jobs that have made this stage of the project possible.
“A big thank you to everyone for your patience as we’ve delivered this huge infrastructure upgrade and thanks in advance as we move to the next stages south through Springwood to Loganholme.”
Member for Waterford Shannon Fentiman said this project will boost jobs and support our economic recovery.
“The Palaszczuk Government is not only delivering a record road and transport infrastructure investment for Queensland, we are doing it in a sustainable way and creating more jobs for Queenslanders,” Ms Fentiman said.
Mr Bailey said the project had achieved another ‘Leading’ design rating from the Infrastructure Sustainability Council (ISC).
“To achieve the highest possible rating for infrastructure projects again is an amazing achievement for the team,” he said.
“In a first for Queensland, a new fish passage has been created at Bulimba Creek Tributary (Big Al’s Brook) using a unique design of pools to mimic natural habitats and help fish populations thrive.
“Recycled glass has also been trialled in bedding material. The reuse of waste materials reduces emissions and is now being specified on other Transport and Main Roads (TMR) projects as part of the growing circular economy.
“TMR has truly encompassed best practice in the infrastructure industry, having undergone ISC's rigorous rating system for evaluating sustainability and exceeding expectations.”
Member for Mansfield Corrine McMillan said 95 per cent of workers on the Sports Drive to Gateway Motorway upgrade were sourced from the local community.
“Projects such as these are benefiting the local workforce and boosting the economic recovery from COVID-19,” Ms McMillan said.
“We’re sustaining local workforces, and growing capacity through training.
“Four per cent of workers on this package are women, and 2.6 per cent are from indigenous communities.
“More than 21,000 hours of training have been completed across the workforce, with five apprentices developing their skills on the job.
“It is important we are able to give back social and economic benefits for every cent we invest.”
Member for Toohey Peter Russo said bike riders would also benefit from the Sports Drive to Gateway Motorway upgrade with the first part of the extended Veloway 1 now open.
“Investment in South East Queensland's bike paths is a game changer for active commuters,” Mr Russo said.
“This is the first section of the V1 Veloway missing link completed and means riders can travel further south than ever before with local access connections at Logan Road, Underwood Road and Camelot Park.
“The aim is for the V1 to go all the way down to Paradise Road by 2025.”
Media contact: Joe Ogilvie - 0423 184 412