Hervey Bay regional Cabinet meeting on September 20th

Published Thursday, 02 September, 2021 at 12:22 PM

Premier and Minister for Trade
The Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk

The Queensland Cabinet will meet in Hervey Bay later this month to focus on issues and projects vital for the continued benefit of the community.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said the regional Cabinet meeting on the 20th of September will concentrate on the area’s crucial role in Queensland’s ongoing economic recovery.

She said there has been reinvigorated representation for the Fraser Coast since the election of Adrian Tantari in Hervey Bay.

“This beautiful and productive part of our state has always been important for my government, but fresh eyes and new hands are making even more of a difference now.

“Our commitments for Hervey Bay include $39.6 million for a new mental health unit, $5.4 million for more learning spaces and a new building at Hervey Bay State High School, $44.1 million to upgrade the intersection of Maryborough - Hervey Bay Road and Pialba - Burrum Heads Road, and $1.2 million at Hervey Bay TAFE for nursing and allied health upgrades.

“We will liaise with Adrian and his community for a constructive regional Cabinet meeting in a few weeks, to see and hear more about all that matters to them.”

Mr Tantari said the Premier had listened to local requests to bring Cabinet to Hervey Bay.

“I’m thrilled. Hervey Bay welcomes the Cabinet and looks forward to showing the Premier and her ministers all that is great about living here,” he said.

Ms Palaszczuk said the recent state budget committed $883 million for infrastructure in the Wide Bay region, to support around 3,200 jobs, as well as $724 million for health and $35 million for education.

She said the neighbouring electorate of Maryborough has an unfailingly passionate advocate in Bruce Saunders, while nearby Bundaberg has a great new member in Tom Smith.

“Our plans for the region also include the Bundaberg Hospital, train building at Maryborough, Bruce Highway upgrades, and a major upgrade of Central Station on Fraser Island (K’Gari).

“Our investment record for Wide Bay includes $198.9 million of capital expenditure from the Jobs and Regional Growth Fund - supporting 520 new jobs – and $47.6 million in Back to Work payments to help employ more than 4,500 job seekers.

“And we’ve employed 324 more nurses, 133 more doctors and 48 more ambulance officers.”

Mr Saunders said the region would put on a warm welcome for Cabinet.

“We’re looking forward to showing the Premier and her ministers how Maryborough and the region have gone ahead under her government,” he said.

Mr Smith said locals will be enthusiastic about hosting the Premier and her team.

“It will be fantastic to have the Cabinet in the Wide Bay, highlighting the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s commitment to the people of our greater regional community,” he said.


Media contact: Chris O’Brien 0419 774 004