A time to shine for Queensland’s carers
Published Monday, 12 April, 2021 at 01:38 PM
Minister for Seniors and Disability Services and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
The Honourable Craig Crawford
Queensland carers can now nominate to join the Queensland Carers Advisory Council for a two-year term.
Minister for Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Craig Crawford said the Queensland Carers Advisory Council plays a vital role in advising the Palaszczuk Government on strategies to increase recognition and support for carers.
“Carers play a crucial role right across our state by supporting people who require assistance. This includes those suffering from chronic or terminal illness, mental health issues, disability, problematic use of alcohol and other drugs and frailty associated with age,” Mr Crawford said.
“In 2018 the Australian Bureau of Statistics estimated one in nine members of Australia’s population are carers. That’s a significant portion of our community who also deserve support themselves,” he said.
“Being a carer can have a profound impact on those who give such a huge amount of time to look after others and their needs must also be recognised. That begins by including them at the decision-making table.
“Members of the Queensland Carers Advisory Council will be drawn from diverse backgrounds and will bring a wealth of knowledge and lived experience of their caring roles to help inform government policy and services.
“In addition to this, they will focus on advancing the interests of carers and promoting compliance with the principles of the Queensland Carers Charter.”
Nominations for membership of the council open today Monday 12 April and close at 5pm on Friday 14 May.
To find out more about nominating for the next two year term of the Queensland Carers Advisory Council visit www.communities.qld.gov.au or email OfficeForCarers@communities.qld.gov.au
Media contact: Gemma Buxton 0477 445 331