Women leading the charge at TAFE

Published Saturday, 10 April, 2021 at 01:16 PM

Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development
The Honourable Di Farmer

TAFE Queensland is helping more women across the state unlock new careers.

That includes breaking the barriers into traditionally male dominated industries.  

Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development Di Farmer said the number of women enrolled in TAFE and then obtaining their qualifications is increasing.

“During COVID-19 we know that more women lost their jobs,” Minister Farmer said. 

“We needed to address that head on.  

“So far this financial year female enrolments across TAFE Queensland have increased by around 7,375 compared to the same period in 2019-20.

“Women enrolling in construction is the standout figure, with an increase of more than 200 when compared to the same period last financial year.

“There have also been big increases in women enrolling in automotive, engineering, hospitality and retail.

“This is great news with an increase of 1,164 more women completing their qualifications this year when compared to the same period in 2019-20.

There have been 38 more women in Construction,156 more women in Primary Industries, 84 more women in Laboratory Operations and 40 more women in Health who have graduated.

Fiona Lamari co-Vice President of NAWIC said an increase in the number of women taking up training means more women are likely to get jobs, including more women jumping the hurdle into male-dominated industries.  

“Many employers and industries that were struggling to find skilled workers are looking to recruit, train and retain more women in their workforces,” Ms Lamari said.

Minister Farmer said the Palaszczuk Government’s Free TAFE and Free Apprenticeships programs are funding the training costs for women to take up in-demand apprenticeships, traineeships or other vocational education and training qualifications.

“This allows young people to focus on their studies and work without the worry of training debt,” Ms Farmer said.

“Employers, colleagues, industries, schools and parents need to continue playing their roles supporting more women to commence and complete their studies and to build careers in their trades of choice.

“The Palaszczuk Government has invested more than $150 million to revitalise TAFE infrastructure across Queensland since 2017.

“Our Government is also covering the training costs for eligible young people up to 25 years old to study in-demand qualifications.” 

“The investment of $21 million to extend the free training to under 25s this year means that 37,000 more young men and women have become eligible to enrol in 165 priority qualifications, through Free TAFE or Free Apprenticeships.

“More than 30,500 young Queenslanders now have accessed our free training, including over 27,000 apprentices and trainees,” Ms Farmer said.

For further information visit www.desbt.qld.gov.au or call 1300 369 935.


Media contact:  Debbie Turner 0439 346 402