Last chance to Get Involved and have your say on DFV

Published Thursday, 28 May, 2020 at 05:26 PM

Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence
The Honourable Di Farmer

Queenslanders are being asked to jump online and have their say in the Palaszczuk Government’s Get Involved survey on domestic and family violence before it closes tomorrow (May 29).

Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence Di Farmer said the survey would look at the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on service delivery.

“We know that coordination across government, providers and the community is absolutely critical to fine tuning solutions during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Ms Farmer said.

“The survey builds on the Palaszczuk Government’s recent virtual COVID-19 Domestic and Family Violence Summit.

“Due to COVID-19 and more people isolating at home, some Queenslanders may be with their perpetrators 24/7 and feel like there is no way out.

“There is way out and there is help is available.”

Ms Farmer said the survey wants to hear from a wide variety of people with different experiences and those working hard to provide domestic and family violence services.

“The Palaszczuk Government has delivered an extra $7.5 million in funding to services providing help to Queenslanders in family and domestic violence situations the pandemic,” Ms Farmer said.

“Service providers are changing the way they operate to make sure everybody who needs help gets it during this challenging time.

“That’s why I’m encouraging everyone get online and have their say.”

The survey is at: