JOINT STATEMENT - Commonwealth and Queensland Bushfire Recovery Funding for Binna Burra Lodge

Published Thursday, 05 March, 2020 at 02:27 PM

Premier and Minister for Trade
The Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk

Queensland’s iconic Binna Burra Lodge is closer to welcoming back guests after the Australian and Queensland Governments announced almost $1.8 million in joint funding to support its clean up and recovery.

Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management David Littleproud said the funding would be provided through Category D of the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements’ (DRFA).

“This extraordinary joint funding assistance from the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments will be used to assist with the clean-up of the Binna Burra Lodge and lay the foundations for the restoration and revitalisation of the site,” Mr Littleproud said.

“The National Bushfire Recovery Agency assessed the Binna Burra Lodge proposal as a priority for recovery in Queensland.

“The DRFA is supporting the relief and recovery efforts across the Scenic Rim, while also providing urgent support to address community needs including mental health and wellbeing.

“This funding for Binna Burra Lodge is in addition to $20 million provided for Category C Community Recovery Packages that will support recovery for communities in the local government areas impacted by the Queensland Bushfires from September to December last year.”

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said the Queensland Reconstruction Authority will oversee the $1.775 million fund’s delivery, making sure it goes towards clean-up, and stabilising the cliff face to ensure safety around the site into the future.

“Under this funding, the Binna Burra Lodge will also undertake master planning to inform its recovery and restoration needs after the September fires razed 42 out of its 43 cabins,” Ms Palaszczuk said.

“The Queensland Government wants to see this historic lodge, which has been a jewel in our state’s tourism crown since 1933, back on its feet and welcoming guests.

“This is why we set up the Binna Burra Taskforce in September last year, to fast-track its recovery.

“The bushfires have impacted many regions already experiencing the devastating effects of drought, compounding the social, economic and environmental stressors already present in these communities.”

Binna Burra Lodge is surrounded by UNESCO World Heritage-listed Lamington National Park in Queensland’s Scenic Rim region.

Media Contacts:

Douglas Ferguson (Minister Littleproud): 0455 448 985

Shane Doherty (Premier Palaszczuk): 0439 624 473

National Bushfire Recovery Agency 0418 131 365