New laws allow for residential aged care at Sanctuary Cove
Published Wednesday, 03 April, 2019 at 07:00 AM
Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning
The Honourable Cameron Dick
The Queensland Parliament has today passed legislation to enable Sanctuary Cove residents to retire close to friends and family in the future.
Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning Cameron Dick said the bill, the Economic Development and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018, would allow a proposal for retirement or residential aged care at Sanctuary Cove to be considered.
“Being able to stay close to home in a safe and comfortable environment surrounded by the people you love is important for residents in all communities,” Mr Dick said.
“At the time it was written in the 1980s, the Sanctuary Cove Resort Act did not include either a retirement facility or residential care facility use, which until today prevented this type of development from being considered at the resort.
“With the passing of this legislation today, we have changed that, and in doing so have changed the future of Sanctuary Cove for the better.”
Mr Dick said for retirement and residential care developments to be considered at Sanctuary Cove, a development application will still need to be lodged and consultation undertaken with the community.
“The Palaszczuk Government supports diverse and affordable housing options, and the ability for the community to age in place,” he said.
“This amendment is about recognising that Sanctuary Cove residents may wish to retire close to home near their family and friends, and to live their later years in age-appropriate accommodation being surrounded by the people they love.”
Gold Coast North Chamber of Commerce President Gary Mays said amendments to the 33-year-old Sanctuary Cove Resort Act would, for the first time, enable residents to access retirement living and aged care in their own community.
“We’re really lucky on the Gold Coast that we have a whole range of retirement and aged care living options,” Mr Mays said.
“Unfortunately, Sanctuary Cove residents haven’t had access to those same choices locally.
“I am pleased that people who’ve lived at Sanctuary Cove for decades will now have more options to live their twilight years in the community, rather than having to move out of the area if they wanted to transition to aged care.”
In addition to amending the Sanctuary Cove Resort Act, the Economic Development and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 also amends the Economic Development Act 2012, Queensland Reconstruction Authority Act 2011, Planning Act 2016, Planning and Environment Court Act 2016 and the South Bank Corporation Act 1989.”
Media contact: Ben Doyle 0400 775 561