Government funding aims to mobilise Queensland’s citizen scientists
Published Thursday, 24 January, 2019 at 12:46 PM
Minister for Environment and the Great Barrier Reef, Minister for Science and Minister for the Arts
The Honourable Leeanne Enoch
The Palaszczuk Government is establishing a special grants scheme to harness talents in Queensland communities to advance science across the state.
Minister for Science Leeanne Enoch has today launched the Queensland Citizen Science Strategy, and the Citizen Science Grants scheme.
“Science is part of our everyday lives, and is all about observation,” Ms Enoch said.
“The new Queensland Citizen Science Strategy and grants scheme will help boost community participation in research projects and to encourage more people to engage in science.”
Ms Enoch said grants of up to $30,000 are available to applicants over a period of up to three years.
“Our new strategy and grants are all about mobilising Queenslanders to help our scientists with important research projects, because the more eyes and ears you’ve got out there, the better.
“You don’t have to be a scientist to be involved – all you need is the curiosity to find out more about our world.
“And with the added benefits of modern technology, it is easier than ever to engage in science and research.
“Any information that people can provide as a citizen scientists will go a long way to supporting our researchers in their pursuit of discovery.”
Ms Enoch said understanding more about science helped people make decisions in their day-to-day lives, treat the environment responsibly and generally keep up with the rapid progress of modern technology.
“And for our kids, being involved in citizen science projects can demonstrate the benefits of a STEM career. This is important, especially as we transition to a knowledge economy in Queensland.”
Today Minister Enoch also celebrated the Australian Citizen Science Association (ACSA) launch of its Queensland Chapter.
Chair of ACSA Queensland Chapter James Gullison said the formation of a dedicated and experienced Queensland group would go a long way to advancing citizen science, including fostering awareness and participation in citizen science.
“Citizen science has been around for many years in different forms and as a formal body we can now work together better to highlight the benefits of scientists and non-scientists partnering in science research,” he said.
“This is an exciting time for all existing and prospective citizen science projects as we move forward with the support of the Queensland Government," Mr Gullison said.
The first round of the Queensland Citizen Science Grants scheme opens from today and closes on 25 March. For more information, visit:
For more information about the scheme and the Queensland Citizen Science Strategy, visit:
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