Ipswich City Council dismissal legislation referred to parliamentary committee
Published Tuesday, 17 July, 2018 at 02:23 PM
Minister for Local Government, Minister for Racing and Minister for Multicultural Affairs
The Honourable Stirling Hinchliffe
A draft Bill to dismiss Ipswich City Council has been referred to State Parliament’s Economics and Governance Committee for consideration.
Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchliffe said the Bill seeking the dismissal of Council was in response to an unprecedented integrity crisis in Ipswich.
“This draft Bill will be scrutinised by the multi-party Economics and Governance Committee ahead of its introduction in State Parliament in August,” he said.
“There are 15 current and former Councillors and officials facing almost 80 charges in Ipswich, undermining confidence in the city and its economy.
“Residents and businesses are crying out for certainty – they want this situation resolved once and for all, without an never-ending legal circus.
“It’s become clear in recent days that there’s a groundswell of local opinion in support of dismissing Council and appointing an administrator.
“The administrator will be supported by governance experts, who will help to create stronger standards and procedures to enhance integrity and accountability in Ipswich.
“The Government is getting on with the job of delivering the certainty the Ipswich community needs.”
Media contact: Martin Philip 0427 919 548