Safety switches save lives and should be fitted to all circuits

Published Wednesday, 04 April, 2018 at 09:00 AM

Acting Minister for Education and Minister for Industrial Relations
The Honourable Shannon Fentiman

During April, Queenslanders are reminded to protect themselves from electrical shock by having safety switches installed on every circuit in their homes.

Acting Industrial Relations Minister Shannon Fentiman has launched an advertising campaign to reiterate that safety switches really do save lives.

“Through this campaign, we’re spreading the message that the risk is real – one safety switch may not be enough,” Ms Fentiman said.

“In many Queensland homes, safety switches are only fitted to the power circuit.

“This means you have no protection for your family on other sub-circuits in your home such as the lights, pool, air-con, stove or hot water.

“Often homeowners who want to do the right thing look into their switchbox and think they are protected, but it’s easy to confuse circuit-breakers with safety switches. Look for a ‘test’ or ‘T’ button on the face – only safety switches have these.”

Ms Fentiman said circuit-breakers are effective in protecting equipment, but only safety switches will save lives.

“That’s why we’re encouraging Queenslanders to install safety switches on all circuits in their homes,” she said.

“It’s a small price to pay for the peace of mind you’ll have – and you can make it very cost-effective by having switches installed while you’re having other electrical work done at your home.”

The Electrical Safety Office will run ‘The risk is real – one safety switch may not be enough’ advertising during April on television, radio, print and online.

In Queensland, safety switches are mandatory on power circuits in new homes, rentals and older homes as they’re sold, but the risk still exists on other circuits. Legislative changes to the electrical industry’s Wiring Rules later this year will tighten requirements. These changes will require safety switch protection on all sub-circuits in new homes or homes undergoing significant renovation.

To view the advertising campaign, or for more information please visit


Media contact: Emma Clarey 0439 578 472