New separate school to be named Wilsonton State High School

Published Wednesday, 02 November, 2016 at 03:51 PM

Minister for Education and Minister for Tourism and Major Events
The Honourable Kate Jones

Wilsonton State High School will be the name for Toowoomba’s newest high school, Education Minister Kate Jones announced today.

Ms Jones said the former Wilsonton Campus of Toowoomba State High School would operate as a separate school from the first day of school in 2017.

“The community response to the new school has been extremely positive,” Ms Jones said.

“The school conducted a comprehensive community-wide consultation process including parents, local community representatives and Indigenous elders.

“Fifteen names were proposed and Wilsonton State High School, Wilsonton Heights State High School and Garden City State High School were shortlisted as the favourites.

“More than 1200 community members voted on the names, with Wilsonton State High School winning a strong majority of support.”

Ms Jones said the school would build a new identity as an independent school.

“Although the school has been known locally as Wilsonton High since the campus opened, this will be the first time the school will truly stand apart,” she said.

“Students have a lot to look forward to with a new school hall in the planning stages and a new logo and uniform.”

Principal Marcus Jones said he felt privileged to lead Wilsonton State High School, which would strive for excellence.

“As we start a new school we are very lucky to be able to enhance our school culture based upon high expectations of effort, achievement and attendance,” Mr Jones said

“The school will have new uniforms to start in 2017, new school branding and our own P&C.

“The school’s new logo encompasses our history and at the same time we embrace our future.  In the top left corner there are three people leaping out of the book as learning comes to life.

“The Bunya Pine represents the Bunya nut festival which is traditional to the area, and the two boomerangs represent knowledge being passed on from one generation to the next.

“The last quarter of the design represents our agricultural presence, the five point star reflects our history as part of Toowoomba State High School and the Pegasus completes our logo.”


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