Not everyone makes it across the tracks

Published Tuesday, 16 April, 2013 at 04:45 AM

Minister for Transport and Main Roads
The Honourable Scott Emerson

The Newman Government has launched a confronting new safety campaign, warning that people who illegally cross train tracks face serious injury or death.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Scott Emerson said the campaign, titled Coffins, had a blunt message.

“Our message is simple but we need to get it through to people – not everyone makes it across the tracks,” Mr Emerson said.

“Anyone who thinks it is okay to take a quick shortcut across the tracks is sadly mistaken because they are not only risking their lives, but also the lives of staff and passengers.

“To drive the message home, Queensland Rail will be displaying a coffin made out of railway sleepers at Central Station.

“While this message is shocking, we make no apologies for this confronting campaign.

“It’s not just people vandalising or taking a shortcut across train tracks. The rail corridor is not a park or walking track, yet we have many reports of people riding motorbikes, walking dogs and even taking wedding photos inside the rail corridor.

“We have passenger and freight trains on the network which can move at speeds up to 160 kilometres an hour, and they can’t swerve to avoid someone.”

Mr Emerson said last year there were 400 reported near misses at railway crossings including 157 pedestrians who were nearly hit by trains.

There were almost 5,500 reported trespass and track crossing incidents on the Queensland Rail network last year, comprising 5,133 in south east Queensland and 363 in regional areas.

“Alarmingly, this means last year there were more than 100 separate cases of trespass each week,” Mr Emerson said.  

“We encourage everyone to stay safe near railway crossings and not gamble with their lives by playing Russian roulette with trains.”

The coffin is currently on display at Central station.

Media contact: Stephanie Shield 0418 186 625