Minister releases Mareeba referendum question
Published Friday, 08 February, 2013 at 05:00 AM
Minister for Local Government, Community Recovery and Resilience
The Honourable David Crisafulli
Residents in the former Mareeba Shire Council area will be asked to simply answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ when they vote on de-amalgamation next month.
Local Government Minister David Crisafulli said it was crucial all registered voters made their vote count.
“When the polls open on March 9, residents will have the rare opportunity to choose their system of local government,” Mr Crisafulli said.
“This referendum is a chance for the community to decide once and for all if it’s prepared to pay to establish a new local council.
The question will read:
‘Should a Mareeba Shire Council be created by the de-amalgamation of the Tablelands Regional Council local government area, with the costs to be met by the Mareeba Shire Council?’
Queensland Treasury Corporation (QTC) found the initial cost for Mareeba to de-amalgamate would be $8,200,000 or an extra $872 per ratepayer in the first year.
There would also be ongoing costs of an extra $240 per ratepayer every year thereafter, rising with inflation.
“People can rightly argue that any council can adjust their costs in each and every budget,” Mr Crisafulli said.
“But what I asked Queensland Treasury Corporation to provide was the cost of establishing a new council that can provide the same level of service residents get today.”
Only registered voters in the former council area will vote at the referendum on March 9.
Voting is compulsory and failing to vote will attract a fine of $110.
De-amalgamation information is available at
Referendum information is available at
[ENDS] 8 February 2013
Media Contact: Monica Rostron 0409 126 332
Andrew Longmire 0418 216 627