Wongai mine project opens for public comment

Published Friday, 11 May, 2012 at 03:03 PM

Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning
The Honourable Jeff Seeney

The State Government is calling for public feedback on a proposed $500 million coking coal project in the Cape York Peninsula.

Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jeff Seeney said the Queensland Coordinator-General would release the draft terms of reference for a proposed underground mine about 150 kilometres north west of Cooktown.

“If approved, this mine will provide major economic benefits for the State and the local community,” Mr Seeney said.

“This proposed Indigenous project, under a heads of agreement with Aust-Pac Capital Pty Ltd, could provide a boost to local employment generating up to 250 jobs during construction.

“The mine has the potential to operate for at least 30 years and could export 1.5 million tonnes of coking coal per year, meaning it would be important to the economic development and Indigenous employment in Cape York and Far North Queensland.”

Mr Seeney said the proposed Aust-Pac Capital mine site was freehold land owned by the Kalpowar Aboriginal Land Trust established under the Aboriginal Land Act 1991.

He said the Wongai project was declared significant last month meaning a comprehensive environmental impact statement (EIS) was now required, which would run concurrently with a Federal Government environmental assessment.

“The draft terms of reference form the basis of the project’s EIS which will consider the environmental, social and economic implications of the proposed mine,” Mr Seeney said.

“It’s important to stress that this does not mean the project is or will be approved. A rigorous environmental assessment must be conducted covering all the issues and impacts before any decision on the project is made.

“Community consultation is a valued aspect of the assessment process, and I welcome all members of the public to view the terms of reference and provide comment.”

The draft terms of reference can be viewed from Saturday 12 May 2012 until Tuesday 12 June 2012.

They are available on-line at http://projects.industry.qld.gov.au and will be on display at: 
  • Cairns Regional Council Library, 151 Abbott Street, Cairns
  • Cook Shire Council Library, Helen Street, Cooktown
  • State Library of Queensland, Stanley Place, South Bank, Brisbane.
All public submissions must be in writing and received by the Coordinator-General by 5pm on Tuesday 12 June 2012.

Post: The Coordinator-General
c/- EIS project manager – Wongai Project
Significant Projects Coordination
PO Box 15517
City East Qld 4002

Email: wongai@coordinatorgeneral.qld.gov.au

[ENDS] 11 May 2012

Media contact: Kate Haddan – 0437 334 769