Wongai project declared 'significant'

Published Saturday, 21 April, 2012 at 10:37 AM

Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning
The Honourable Jeff Seeney

A proposed $500 million coking coal mine 150 kilometres north-west of Cooktown has been declared a ‘Significant Project' by the Queensland Coordinator-General.
Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jeff Seeney said the indigenous proposed project, under a heads of agreement with Aust-Pac Capital Pty Ltd, could generate up to 250 construction jobs.
“This project has the potential to operate for at least 30 years and could export 1.5 million tonnes of coking coal per year,” Mr Seeney said.
“The proposed mine site is freehold land owned by the Kalpowar Aboriginal Land Trust established under the Aboriginal Land Act 1991,” Mr Seeney said.

“The project site is a partly-cleared cattle station and contains cultural heritage sites, a nature reserve and a fish habitat area.

“Proposed exploration activities would be constrained within one kilometre of national parks and within 500 metres of the fish habitat area,” The Deputy-Premier added.
State Coordinator-General Barry Broe said a significant project declaration was not an indication of approval for a project but a reflection of the state and regional significance of the project and the start of a comprehensive environmental assessment process.

“This declaration is recognition of the significant complexity of the project, the substantial economic and social benefits it may bring and the need to carefully assess its impacts and how they could be mitigated if the project is approved,” Mr Broe said.
“The comprehensive EIS process will place a very strong emphasis on minimising any negative impacts on the relatively undeveloped land and sea areas surrounding the project. The EIS process allows creative solutions to be developed to achieve positive project and environmental outcomes.” the Coordinator-General said.
A key role of the Coordinator-General is to coordinate and streamline assessment of complex projects while ensuring minimal environmental impact.
“The next step is the preparation of terms of reference for the EIS. These will be circulated to key stakeholders and advertised for public comment.”

This project has also been determined to be a controlled action under the Commonwealth Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

The Queensland and Australian Government EIS processes are being run in parallel.

For more information on the Wongai project, go to www.wongaiproject.com.au

Media Contact: John Wiseman – 0409 791 281