Tackling flood danger on the Bruce Highway in Tully

Published Thursday, 02 October, 2008 at 09:30 AM

Minister for Main Roads and Local Government
The Honourable Warren Pitt

Good progress with the new $172.4 million Bruce Highway flood immunity works at Tully will give motorists early access to a full 10 kilometre section of the project from today.

Federal Infrastructure and Transport Minister, Anthony Albanese, said the works undertaken at Tully were the largest flood immunity project funded by the Australian Government.

“The Tully project is on track for completion in early 2009; well ahead of the originally scheduled December 2010 finish date,” Mr Albanese said.

“Many Queensland communities know the devastation and disruption that comes from flooding. We are working proactively to improve the flood immunity of the Bruce Highway to minimise the frequency and impact of flood events.

“This section of the Bruce Highway between Townsville and Cairns is highly prone to flooding closure.

“Improving the flood immunity of the Bruce Highway will generate enormous benefits for the local community, local motorists, tourists, the freight sector and industry in North Queensland.”

Queensland Main Roads Minister, Warren Pitt, said the community would also be pleased that the project will now include a connection between Tully Hull Road and the new Bruce Highway, known locally as Lentini Road.

“The Lentini Road extension will be completed as part of the current Bruce Highway upgrade works,” Mr Pitt said.

“The local community has expressed a strong desire to see the connection constructed as part of the current 15 kilometre Bruce Highway upgrade just south of Tully. It makes good business sense to build it while construction crews are in the area.

“From today, motorists can look forward to the opening of a four-kilometre section of the new Bruce Highway between Euramo and Dallachy Road, which includes the new Tully River Bridge. This complements a further six kilometres of the works already being enjoyed by motorists, bringing the full total of the works opened to traffic to 10 kilometres.

“The primary purpose of the road upgrade is to significantly reduce flood closures on the highway between Corduroy Creek and Tully High School.”

Federal Member for Leichhardt Jim Turnour said that having campaigned as far back as 2004 for this project, he was very pleased to see construction on this section of road running ahead of schedule.

“It means safer roads for local motorists, and very importantly it will greatly reduce the vulnerability of Cairns being cut off from the southern part of the state during periods of heavy rain,” said Mr Turnour.

For Minister Albanese: Jeff Singleton 0410 476 890
For Minister Pitt: Peter Nibbs (07) 3227 8819