Published Tuesday, 13 May, 2008 at 01:54 PM

Minister for Natural Resources and Water and Minister Assisting the Premier in North Queensland
The Honourable Craig Wallace

The Bligh Government’s Home WaterWise Rebate Scheme (HWRS) has passed the $250 million mark for rebates provided for water-saving products such as rainwater tanks, water efficient washing machines and showerheads and dual-flush toilet suites.

Natural Resources and Water Minister Craig Wallace today said 462,845 rebate applications had been approved worth $254 million.

“The HWRS is the largest scheme of its type in the State’s history – it is securing Queensland’s water future,” Mr Wallace said.

“We know Queenslanders are some of the most efficient users of water in the world,” he said.

“The Home WaterWise Rebate Scheme is helping householders to make those savings by providing over $250 million in rebates.”

Rebates paid for individual items include:

  • 29619 rebates for dual-flush toilets worth $4.42 million;
  • 2876 rebates for greywater systems worth $130,141;
  • 21,323 poolcovers/rollers worth $4,248,883;
  • 221,367 rainwater tanks worth $216,490,653;
  • 28,924 showerheads worth $704,641;
  • 134,596 washing machines worth $26,918,786.

A total of 507 applications for $1500 rebates for plumbed-in water tanks have been received since February 1, when HWRS rebates for water tanks were changed.

At the same time, $1000 rebates are still being paid for unplumbed water tanks, which had to be delivered, installed and paid in full on or before March 31.

A total of 6096 applications for unplumbed tanks were received in March and 8143 in April.

Around 33% of all eligible Queensland households now have received a water tank rebate under the HWRS.

In addition, an estimated 40,000 new Queensland homes have been fitted with water tanks under new State Government requirements which came into force in January 2007.

According to industry sources, demand for water tanks has peaked and is now declining.

“It appears that people who wanted a rainwater tank now have one, thanks to the Home WaterWise Rebate Scheme,” Mr Wallace said.

Demand for water tank rebates peaked in May 2007, when around 20,000 applications were received per month, and dropped to 9925 applications in November.

Mr Wallace said the Queensland Opposition would find it very hard to install a further large number of water tanks under its recently released water policy.

“The Opposition has an opinion on everything to do with water but a solution to nothing,” he said.

Media inquiries: Paul Childs, Craig Wallace’s office, on 0407 131 654.