Submissions to Fuel Inquiry due by Friday: Fraser

Published Wednesday, 03 October, 2007 at 03:27 PM

The Honourable Andrew Fraser

3 October 2007

Submissions to Fuel Inquiry due by Friday: Fraser

Submissions to the Commission of Inquiry established to investigate aspects of the State Government’s fuel subsidy close this Friday, October 5.

Treasurer Andrew Fraser today encouraged any interested member of the public or other interested parties to make a submission to the Inquiry, headed by former Queensland Court of Appeal and Federal Court Judge Bill Pincus, QC.

Mr Fraser said it was important the Inquiry gathered as many submissions as possible to help it determine why up to $125 million of the $541 million a year State Government fuel subsidy is not ending up in the pockets of Queensland motorists.

The Fuel Subsidy Commission of Inquiry was established on August 23 with Terms of Reference including identifying any impediments to delivering the subsidy.

Mr Fraser said this includes looking at questions of market power and competition in the retail and wholesale fuel markets and the structure of the industry as a whole.

“The Commission will also consider whether there are better ways of delivering the subsidy,” Mr Fraser said.

“The government established the Commission following an intensive six-month, state-wide Treasury task force investigation which found retailers were not to blame for motorists missing out on the full benefit of the 8.354c a litre subsidy.

“During the task force’s six-month review period, retail margins on unleaded petrol sold in Brisbane were on average 3c and 2.33c a litre higher than in Sydney and Melbourne respectively.”

The Commission’s report is to be delivered to the government by November 30.

Anyone interested in providing a submission can deliver written submissions to:

Level 10,

Brisbane Magistrates Court,

363 George Street,

Brisbane QLD 4000 OR

PO Box 13147 Brisbane QLD 4001.

For electronic submissions:

Media Contact Chris Taylor 3224 5982