Published Thursday, 11 June, 1998 at 12:00 AM

Minister for Education
The Honourable Bob Quinn

Education Minister Bob Quinn today announced that a successful tenderer had been selected for the construction of the new state-of-the-art school at Tin Can Bay.

Mr Quinn said the contract had been won by Gympie Building Company.

"I'm delighted that work will now be able to start as soon as possible on the new school, which will be designed to cater for both primary and secondary students to Year 10," he said.

"The new P-10 campus, expected to open next year with about 340 students to Year 9, is eagerly awaited by the local community."

Mr Quinn said it would be built on adjoining departmental sites at the corner of Tin Can Bay and Spanner Creek roads, at an estimated total cost of up to $7million.

It will incorporate preschool and special education facilities, resource and administration centres, blocks for practical studies and science and a construction court.

"Enrolment is likely to grow quite significantly over the next 10 years with expected residential development, and our proposed design will leave the way open for us to develop a fully independent high school to Year 12, if necessary at a later date," he said.

"Community consultation is already underway to ensure the new facilities cater specifically for local needs. The steering committee includes school and P&C representatives as well as project officers and an architect."

The Minister said the new Tin Can Bay school was one of 28 new schools, worth about $147million, approved by the Coalition Government since it came to office.

He said the P-10 campus was a high priority because the existing primary school was too small and local secondary students had to spend up to 15 hours a week travelling to and from Gympie.

"The new campus will also relieve enrolment pressure on specialist facilities at Gympie State High School and allow it more curriculum flexibility, particularly in vocational areas."

Mr Quinn said the Coalition was determined to provide all state students throughout Queensland with the best possible educational environment.