Published Tuesday, 02 June, 1998 at 12:00 AM
Minister for Transport and Main Roads
The Honourable Vaughan Johnson
Mr Johnson said the concession would mean a saving of $82 for those who drive four- cylinder vehicles, $126 for those with six-cylinder vehicles, and $177 for those with eight-cylinder vehicles.
Mr Johnson said almost 30,000 Queenslanders were expected to benefit from the initiative. "This will particularly benefit those seniors who don't have the option of public transport, particularly those in rural or regional areas," he said.
"The concession will apply to motor cars, motor cycles and utilities up to 4.5 tonne and will be effective for registrations due from 1 July 1998."
Mr Johnson said seniors who paid their registration in full before finding out about the concession would be eligible for a refund of the discount, paid by cheque.
Mr Johnson said Seniors Card holders simply need to mail Queensland Transport a photocopy of their Seniors Card and the completed application to be eligible for the concession scheme.
The mail address is PO Box 673, Fortitude Valley 4006. (Application forms can be obtained by contacting Queensland Transport by phone 13 23 80 or from a Queensland Transport Customer Service Centre.)
He said seniors who lodge an application to Queensland Transport eight weeks before their registration was due would have the reduction included on their renewal notice.
"This will allow payment options on the reduced amount directly through BPAY, with credit card over the telephone and at Australia Post," he said.
To apply for the Seniors Card, seniors should contact the Department of Families, Youth and Community Care. The Seniors Card concession was announced by the Deputy Premier and Treasurer, Joan Sheldon, as part of the 1998 government budget.