It's official: Maroon is Queensland's colour

Published Wednesday, 12 November, 2003 at 12:00 AM

The Honourable Peter Beattie

Maroon will tomorrow be proclaimed as Queensland's state colour, Premier Peter Beattie announced today.

The Premier told Parliament a proclamation will be presented to the Governor in Council tomorrow to formally make maroon Queensland's colour.

"Maroon has long been the unofficial colour of Queensland," Mr Beattie said.

"By tomorrow afternoon (Thursday November 13), it will formally become our state colour.

"Our State of Origin heroes are "the Maroons", our rugby greats are "the Queensland Reds", and the history-making "threepeat" Lions wear maroon.

"It is also the colour of the Queensland Bulls, and the Scorchers and Blades in hockey.

"From tomorrow afternoon, Queenslanders barracking for the Bulls at Junction Oval in Melbourne will be among the first to wear the newly-declared state colour," Mr Beattie said.

Technically, the state colour will be number 202 within the Pantone Matching System.

"But Queenslanders need not worry about the technical details.

"We can all drape ourselves in any shade of maroon - so long as it is worn with genuine pride in being a Queenslander!"

Mr Beattie said having maroon proclaimed as our state colour would be similar to the Commonwealth declaration of green and gold as our national colours in 1984.

Media contact: Fiona Kennedy 3224 4500