MEDIA STATEMENT: The Star Gold Coast licence suspension deferred to September  

Published Thursday, 27 March, 2025 at 02:02 PM

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for Integrity
The Honourable Deb Frecklington

The Star Gold Coast licence suspension deferred to September  

  • The Star Gold Coast licence suspension deferred to 30 September 2025.
  • Deferral considers progress made towards remediation.
  • Special Manager extended to provide independent oversight of The Star.
  • The Government will continue to closely monitor The Star’s progress.  

The Crisafulli Government has deferred the suspension of The Star Gold Coast’s casino licence to 30 September, following the latest independent advice from the Special Manager.  

The Star Gold Coast was due to have its casino licence suspended for 90 days, from 31 March 2025.  

In making its decision, the Government reviewed The Star’s progress across priority remediation measures, as outlined in the February report prepared by Special Manager, Mr Nicholas Weeks. 

Mr Weeks also acknowledged the impact of The Star’s recent challenges on its ability to make material headway on some key measures within the set timeframe.     

Attorney-General Deb Frecklington said that it was important for the public to have confidence in The Star and the Government would continue to assess its remediation progress during the six-month deferral period.  

“The Government has made it clear that our expectations have not changed and The Star must progress its remediation,” the Attorney-General said.   

“Based on the advice of the Special Manager we are satisfied The Star has been continuing to make positive progress under the agreement. 

“The extension will provide The Star with additional time to deliver on its outstanding commitments while keeping its doors open. 

“This deferral does not prevent us from taking immediate action should The Star fail to meet its remediation obligations.” 

The Star will remain under the close supervision of Mr Weeks, who has also been extended in the role of Special Manager to the end of September 2025.   


MEDIA CONTACT: Molly Snaylam 0448 320 545