MEDIA STATEMENT: A Fresh Start for Queensland: Tenders open for key youth crime fighting programs 

Published Today at 10:57 AM


Premier and Minister for Veterans
The Honourable David Crisafulli

Minister for Youth Justice and Victim Support and Minister for Corrective Services
The Honourable Laura Gerber

A Fresh Start for Queensland: Tenders open for key youth crime fighting programs 

  • Tenders open for two of the Crisafulli Government’s key youth crime fighting programs – Regional Reset and Staying on Track.
  • Programs are key pillars of the Crisafulli Government’s plan to make our communities safer and deliver on our commitment to arrest Labor’s Youth Crime Crisis. 
  • Regional Reset will deliver one-to-three week ‘resets’ for at-risk youth while Staying on Track delivers a 12-month post-detention rehabilitation program. 

Tenders for two of the Crisafulli Government’s key programs to arrest Labor’s Youth Crime Crisis have been released to market. 

The Regional Reset and Staying on Track programs are critical pillars of the Crisafulli Government’s plan to make our communities safer and deliver the fresh start Queenslanders voted for.  

Under the chaos and crisis of the former Labor government, the State’s reoffending rate for youths leaving detention climbed to 94%. 

Service providers are now invited to tender to run the crime fighting programs in communities across Queensland, after a series of regional information sessions were held across the State.  

The Staying on Track program will deliver a 12-month rehabilitation program post-detention for youth, including at least 6 months intensive support to reintegrate them into the community and prevent them from falling into a cycle of repeat crime. 

The Regional Reset program will deliver nine early intervention residential programs with a one-to-three week ‘reset’ for youth demonstrating high-risk behaviours including substance use, aggression, or truancy, providing young people with the skills to divert from crime before they become serious repeat offenders.   

Premier David Crisafulli said both the Regional Reset and Staying on Track programs were critical in stopping Labor’s carousel of youth crime. 

“Fixing Labor’s Youth Crime Crisis isn’t just about locking away young offenders, it’s about hitting the reset button on their lives,” Premier Crisafulli said. 

“We are focused on reducing the rates of reoffending in Queensland, and these programs will change the trajectory for troubled kids and turn them towards a brighter future. 

“For 10 years Labor denied that there was a crime crisis, and while there is no overnight fix, we won’t stop until there are fewer victims in Queensland.” 

Minister for Youth Justice and Victim Support Laura Gerber said the Crisafulli Government had started turning the tide on youth crime, and putting these programs to market was another step towards restoring safety where you live.  

“Labor’s chaos and crisis, weak crime laws and failure to deliver meaningful rehabilitation, created a generation of hardcore repeat youth offenders,” Minister Gerber said.    

“These new programs, alongside the Crisafulli Government’s Making Queensland Safer Laws, will help break the cycle of crime and give youths the best chance to stay on the right track. 

"By providing kids with effective early intervention and meaningful rehabilitation, we are providing them with the life skills, education and support to build a positive future. 

“The Regional Reset program is part of our suite of early intervention measures and will put at-risk kids showing high-risk behaviours on a path away from crime and towards a brighter future. 

“Staying on Track will put an end to the detention merry-go-round by providing kids with effective rehabilitation after they are released to give them the support they need to turn away from a life of crime before they’re hardened criminals.” 

Tenders for Staying on Track will close on 28 April and tenders for Regional Reset will close on 13 May. 


MEDIA CONTACT: Phoebe Powell 0419 625 794 


The Crisafulli Government will deliver a Regional Reset Program in each of the following regions: 

  • Far North Queensland  
  • North Queensland  
  • Central Queensland (Rockhampton) 
  • Gold Coast-Logan  
  • Ipswich-Darling Downs (Ipswich)  
  • Brisbane  
  • Sunshine Coast  
  • Wide Bay (Bundaberg) 
  • Western Queensland 

For more information on the tender processes visit the Supplier Portal website at