MEDIA STATEMENT: Building back stronger in North and Far North Queensland  

Published Today at 01:41 PM


Premier and Minister for Veterans
The Honourable David Crisafulli

Minister for Housing and Public Works and Minister for Youth
The Honourable Sam O'Connor

Building back stronger in North and Far North Queensland  

  • Applications open today for flood-affected homeowners to build back stronger against future natural disasters.
  • Grants of up to $10,000 available for resilience-boosting works.
  • Almost 300 homeowners have registered interest. 

The Crisafulli Government is delivering on its commitment to boost disaster resilience in North and Far North Queensland, with grants of up to $10,000 for flood upgrades in homes. 

In a jointly funded initiative of the Albanese and Crisafulli Governments through Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA), the Stronger Homes Grants reduce the impact of future flooding events on residences. 

The program offers grants of up to $10,000 to help homeowners upgrade key parts of their homes, such as raising electrical switchboards, hot water systems, and air-conditioning units or using flood-resilient materials in repairs. 

The Stronger Homes Grant follows extensive consultation with affected communities, local builders, and insurance industry representatives, to make sure these grants deliver long-term benefits for Queenslanders facing repeated flood risks. 

Locals have shown strong interest in the grants, with almost 300 homeowners already registered to access the program to build flood resilience into their homes.  

Premier David Crisafulli reinforced the Government’s commitment to long-term solutions and betterment for Queensland communities. 

“We’re backing North and Far North Queenslanders with the support they need to strengthen their properties and rebuild with confidence,” Premier Crisafulli said. 

“When we rebuild stronger, we save lives, we protect livelihoods, and we reduce the cost of recovery. 

“We’ve spoken to locals, councils, industry bodies, and the insurance industry, to ensure this funding supports practical, achievable solutions for flood-affected homes. 

“By building stronger, flood-resilient homes, we can help protect families and communities from the devastating impacts of repeated flooding.” 

Minister for Housing and Public Works Sam O’Connor said the program helped homeowners to take proactive steps to reduce damage, rebuild with confidence, and break the cycle of repeated recovery costs. 

“Many North Queensland homes have been hit by floods before, and sadly, they’ll likely face flooding again,” Minister O’Connor said. 

“We know that people in communities like this are tired of replacing the same things over and over again. 

“By building in resilience, it saves money in the long term.” 

Homeowners affected by recent flooding can check their eligibility and apply for the Stronger Homes Grant via 


MEDIA CONTACT: Caet Young 0427 939 326