MEDIA STATEMENT: Independent Review into puberty blockers

Published Tuesday, 28 January, 2025 at 10:53 AM

Minister for Health and Ambulance Services
The Honourable Tim Nicholls

Independent Review into puberty blockers

  • Issues with Cairns Sexual Health Service raise concerns about paediatric gender therapies State-wide.
  • Broader review of the evidence for hormone therapy treatment for paediatric gender services to be undertaken.
  • Immediate pause of hormone therapy for public patients under the age of 18.

The Queensland Government has instigated a Part 6 clinical review and Part 9 health service investigation into clinical governance issues in Cairns, relating to the provision of paediatric gender services, including Stage 1 (puberty suppression with puberty blockers) and Stage 2 (gender-affirming hormones) hormone therapies.

Together with international evidence and recent policy decisions, these events have raised serious concerns about the provision of Stage 1 and Stage 2 hormone therapy to patients under the age of 18 in Queensland’s public health system.

“There is contested evidence surrounding the benefits of Stage 1 and Stage 2 hormone therapy for children and adolescents with gender dysphoria emerging from studies throughout the world,” Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Tim Nicholls said.

“France, Finland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden have all tightened regulations around prescribing hormone therapy to children and adolescents.

“More recently, the Government of the United Kingdom has changed legislation to restrict the prescription and supply of puberty blockers to children.

“The Queensland Government has already announced on 4 January 2025 that it does not support expansion of the Queensland Children’s Gender Service (QCGS) and it has paused further delivery of the evaluation recommendations, pending further consideration by government.

“Queensland has not yet undertaken its own review of the evidence for Stage 1 and Stage 2 hormone therapy.

“Following the directive to the Director-General of Queensland Health regarding the operation of the Cairns Sexual Health Service, I have also directed the Director General to commission an independently led broad review of the evidence for Stage 1 and Stage 2 hormone therapies for children in Queensland.

“The lead reviewer will be independent of the Department and the Terms of Reference for the review will be settled in consultation with them.

“The purpose of the broader review is to undertake an independent and robust investigation of best practice in this field,” Mr Nicholls said.

The review will have a broad focus including engaging of expert clinicians, conducting interviews and receiving submissions from stakeholders, and taking into account any other relevant matters that arise throughout the course of the review.”

Children’s Health Queensland (CHQ) currently operates the Queensland Children’s Gender Service (QCGS), established as a state-wide service in 2017.

As of June 2024, the service had 547 children and adolescents actively receiving care.

 “There is a need to maintain confidence in public health services, particularly those delivered by Queensland Health for children,” Minister Nicholls said.

“The Director-General will also issue a Health Service Directive to pause the intake of new patients under the age of 18 years for Stage 1 and Stage 2 hormone therapy in Queensland Health facilities.

“Patients who are already on a treatment plan with QCGS would be exempt, similar to the steps implemented in the UK,” Mr Nicholls said.

The immediate pause will come into effect following today’s announcement and will remain until the Government considers and acts on the outcomes of the Review.

QCGS will continue to offer clinical support for children and adolescents experiencing gender dysphoria including psychiatric and psychological support, counselling and other clinically recommended medical interventions.


MEDIA CONTACT:  David McLachlan 0428 716 171