Government makes strides in lowering Queensland public sector gender pay gap

Published Wednesday, 11 September, 2024 at 01:24 PM

The Honourable Steven Miles

  • Latest results show the gender pay gap in the Queensland public sector at an all-time low of 5.94%, almost half the national gap of 11.5%.
  • This is a significant result for the Queensland public sector’s 215,000 women who make up almost 70% of the sector workforce.
  • Compares to an 18% gender pay gap inherited by this government in 2015.

Miles Labor Government has today highlighted new data showing a massive improvement in the public sector gender pay gap.

Highlights from the Queensland public sector gender pay equity dashboard and report 2024, published today by Special Commissioner Equity and Diversity, show continued success for women across Queensland’s largest workforce.

The results taken from June 2021 to June 2024, show consistent downward trends:

  • a reduction in the gender pay gap on base salary from 7.35% to 5.1%
  • a reduction in the gender pay gap on earnings from 7.82 to 5.94%
  • an increase in the proportion of women in leadership roles (senior officers, senior executive service and chief executives) from 50.87% to 55.12%

These great results are also supporting a reduction in gender superannuation gap, which narrowed by 0.68% to 25.46% as at June 2024.

There was improvement across each of the sector’s diversity target groups: Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people with disability, culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and women in leadership.

The report shows improvement across most age groups, except for a slight increase in the past year for those in the 60 to 64 age group.

There was no change for those in the 55 to 59 age cohort.

There are many initiatives that actively contribute to improved equity and diversity outcomes across the Queensland public sector.

They include: equity and diversity audits and plans facilitated by the Office of the Special Commissioner; the new Recruitment and selection directive; and a general increase in focus and awareness of diversity groups through targets and the sector survey on employee experience data.

Quotes attributable to Queensland Premier Steven Miles:

“I will always do what matters to address gender inequality, especially when it comes to improving the economic security of Queensland women.

“Today’s data is proof that what we are doing is working, but there’s always more to do.

“Closing the gender pay gap is more than just a milestone, it’s a testament to the commitment of Queensland public sector workplaces to fairness and equity.

“I want to thank every person who has worked hard to implement the initiatives that have made these results possible.”

Quotes attributable to Special Commissioner, Equity and Diversity, Dr Linda Colley:

“We are proud so proud of these results, with more than 30% reduction in the gender pay gap on base salary in just 3 years” Dr Colley said.

“This is no small feat in the state’s largest workforce, and it takes a collective effort from all agencies to actively pursue gender equity and create workplaces where diverse talents are recognized” Dr Colley said.

“It is great news that our gender pay gap is almost half of that nationally, but there is still more to be done for us to reach true equity, where everyone’s contributions are equally valued, regardless of gender.”

Further information:

About the Office of the Special Commissioner, Equity and Diversity.

Queensland public sector gender pay equity dashboard 2024

Queensland public sector gender pay equity report 2024

Recruitment and selection directive (07/23)